1.Desktop- Return to the main interface.
2.Lighting- Allows you to adjust for lighting, choose from Auto, Daylight, Cloudy or Inside.
3.Brightness- Allows you to adjust the image brightness.
4.Swap- Swap between video recorder and Camera mode
5.Video Mode- Takes you to video mode, and allows you to browse videos you have taken.
6.Settings- Allows you to adjust your brightness and save path.
7.Resolution- Allows you to change the size of video files you record.224x176, 176x144, 320x240.Default is 320x240.
8.Record- Tap the Video Record icon to start recording.
PC Camera
When the Player is powered on, select PC camera, and connect the device to your computer’s USB port. Your computer will run a setup and install the device as a PC camera, which will allow you to use the device as a webcam.