Once the conversion tool is open, the first step in actually converting and loading the file is to select the file you wish to convert. Locate the “Input File” line towards
the top of the window, and select the “Add file” button and use the file selection window to select the file you want to convert and load. The second step is to select the location you want the converted file saved to. Locate the “Output File” line immediately below the “Input File” line and select the “Video Path”
button and use the “browse for folder” window to select the save location. As this conversion tool is already calibrated to convert your files for optimal
quality, you simply need to select the “Begin” button and the player will convert the file for you.
Please note that if the player is connected to your computer when you open this tool, you will see an additional window to the right of the main window. This is the media player window.