opposite direction of the display screen), and slide the card into the socket on the player, slightly past flush. When you hear the card click into place, you can access the card.
Removing: Ensure that the player is powered off, and push the SD card just past flush. When you hear the click, release pressure, and the card will slide out. Caution: Please ensure that the power is off when you connect or disconnect your SD card, or damage may occur to the player or your card.
Loading files
Using Windows Media Player
(Note: you must use Windows Media Player 10 or later to use this feature.)
(Note: this player does not support DRM encrypted audio or video files, such as those downloaded from the Windows Media Player “Overdrive” download service.)
1.Open Windows Media Player and connect the player to a working USB port. Windows Media player will prompt you with a setup screen asking you to name the MP3 player.
2.Once you have named your MP3 player, select Finish, and your Windows Media Player will open to the Sync tab.