4.3FM Tuner
Playing FM
A.From music playing, voice playing or standby mode, you can press the MENU button to enter the
main menu, and then press the ׀ or ׀ button to select FM mode and press the MENU button to enter. The player will play FM under the preset station.
B. From FM playing mode, you can switch between the saved channels by pressing the ׀ or ׀
button when the Preset appears after pressing the | button. | ||
C. From FM playing mode, you can press the ׀ or ׀ button to adjust the frequency manually, the frequency will increase or decrease by 0.1MHZ; When reach the desired channel, you can press the MENU button to enter the FM main menu, and press the ׀ or ׀ button to select saving radio
station, and then press the MENU button enter and the | button to save. | |