Power supply
hdd100 operates on a
Charging your battery
1Connect the supplied
➔If hdd 100 is not switched on the battery will be charged in 4 hours, but no indication appears on the display.
➔If hdd 100 is switched on, indicates that the power adapter is connected and the battery is charging.
➔When the battery is fully charged, indicates hdd100 is now adapter operated.
2Always disconnect the adapter if you are not charging the battery or not using hdd100.
➔If hdd100 is switched on, appears when you disconnect the adapter.
Battery power level at full charge in
Music Library main screen
–Battery charging time is the same irrespective of whether your hdd100 is in standby or power shutdown mode.
–Recommended minimum charging time = 2 hours.
–Full charge = 4 hours.
–For a speedy alternative, you can also operate hdd100 by using the supplied 5V power adapter as your external power supply.