Getting started
Choose a path for the cord that avoids impediments to drill through. Use a stud finder to identify inaccessible studs.
It is common to run cord from the speaker location in a wall or ceiling to the attic and through the wooden top plate that runs horizontally across the top of the vertical studs. From the attic, you can then run the cord to the spot above the junction box near the receiver or amplifier.
Drill through the top plate at that point and route the cord through the hole and down into the wall (Figure 12).
Figure 12
Running the cord up through the attic
Top plate
junction box
Figure 13
If you must route cord around a corner, you will need to cut out a rectangular piece of wall- board on either side of the joist at that corner. Use each
To patch the wall, reposition the cutout pieces (Figure 13b) and use joint tape and joint com- pound to hold them in place. When they are dry, sand and paint the area to match surround- ing surfaces.
(a) | (b) |
Running cord around a cor- ner with nail plates for pro- tection (a) and cutout pieces as patches (b)
Nail plates
Wall Wall
Cutout pieces
Wall Wall
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