N T- 1 T W E E T E R M O U N T I N G
C o n f i g u r i n g t h e N T- 1 Tw e e t e r
Choose the desired method of mounting the tweeters. The N T- 1 tweeters can be surface or recess mounted while allowing rotation of the tweeter within the mount for optimal imaging.
S u r f a c e M o u n t i n g
Locate the disk designated "E" in the tweeter assembly drawing. Once a mounting location has been chosen, drill a hole into the mounting surface (first making sure there is space underneath) for the wires from the N T- 1 tweeter using the large hole in the disk as a template. Mount the disk (with the small spring facing up) to the panel through the two small holes in the disk using two screws or small nuts and bolts (not supplied).
Locate the surface mount trim ring "A" as shown in the drawing. Place the tweeter into the ring as shown. Drop the wires from the tweeter through the large hole in the disk and into the panel. Push down on the trim ring ("A") until it firmly "snaps" onto the disk ("E"). Rotate the tweeter to the desired angle.
R e c e s s M o u n t i n g
Locate the threaded mounting rings designated "B" or "C" in the drawing. The choice of "B" or "C" will depend on the thickness of the panel the tweeter will be mounted through. The "C" mounting ring will accommodate a panel thickness of up to 3/4 inch.
Locate the disk designated "E" in the drawing. Slip the tweeter wires and connectors through the disk with the small spring on the disk facing the bottom of the tweeter. Place the tweeter and the disk through the back of the threaded mounting ring until the tweeter seats against the inside edge of the ring. Snap the disk into the groove on the inside of the mounting ring until it firmly "snaps" into place. Make sure it is fully seated.
Once a mounting location has been chosen, drill a
Locate the threaded collar designated "F" in the drawing. While holding the tweeter assembly onto the panel, thread the collar "F" onto the tweeter assembly from the back until it is tight.