EAW NT59, NTS22 M p l i f i e r S t a t u s, I g n a l P r e s e n t, G n a l P r o c e s s i n g

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7 . 3 . 4 A m p l i f i e r S t a t u s

An Amplifier Status indicator monitors the status of each of the two amplifiers in the full- range and subwoofer models. If illuminated Green, the amplifier status is Normal. If illuminated Red, a protection circuit has activated and the amplifier is in Fault status.

The causes for a Fault indication can be:

Amplifier overheating

Power supply overheating

Excessive amplifier output current

Excessive power supply current

Low ac mains voltage

Low amplifier output voltage

Electronic failure

To minimize audio downtime or operation at reduced levels, the protection circuits will automatically reset after the fault condition is lowered to an acceptable level or removed. The only exception is protective shut-down due to electronic failure.

7 . 3 . 5 S i g n a l P r e s e n t

The Signal Present indicator illuminates when an audio signal greater than 30 dBu (25 mV) is present at the input connector.

7 . 4

S i g n a l P r o c e s s i n g

7 . 4 . 1

I n t e r n a l S i g n a l P r o c e s s i n g

The NT Series incorporates sophisticated, digital signal processing to optimize performance and reliability. Normally, no external signal processing is required. The internal processing will provide excellent results in a variety of venues. The processing was determined from extensive laboratory measurements and field testing to provide the maximum performance in terms of frequency response, phase response, power handling, and audio quality. It affects many aspects of the loudspeaker's performance including frequency response, beamwidth consistency, output level capability, and wavefront coherency.

7 . 4 . 2 E x t e r n a l S i g n a l P r o c e s s i n g

In some applications, external signal processing may be used because of room acoustics, audio program content, or personal taste. In such cases, use standard analog or digital equalizers. Avoid radical settings as these can alter the performance in adverse ways not readily apparent, such as reducing power handling or altering the beamwidth.

7 . 4 . 3 L i m i t e r s

NT loudspeakers have built-in, factory set limiting. The limiter characteristics and settings were determined to provide the maximum protection possible, to minimize the sonic effects, and to integrate closely with the amplifier capabilities. Defeating such limiting by using an external limiter could expose the drivers or amplifiers to operation beyond their limits.

External limiting should only be used to limit the maximum output to some level below that allowed by the factory limiting. In this case, choose limiter settings that minimize the sonic effects when the limiting is active.


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Contents S E R I E S Safety Precautions Read this First Consignes de Sécurité À Lire en PremierPrecauzioni di Sicurezza Da Leggere per Primo Instructions Relatives À la SécuritéPrecauciones de Seguridad Lea Esto Primero Sicherheitshinweise Lesen Sie Diesen Abschnitt ZuerstInstrucciones de Seguridad SicherheitsanweisungenUnpacking Block Diagram Unpacking Quick StartN t e n t s C M a i n s C o n n e c t i o nMise en Œuvre D j u s t i n g t h e O u t p u t L e v e lRéglages Initiaux Connexions AudioGuida Rapida Référence du Niveau de SortieImposazioni Iniziali dei Controlli Connessione AudioInicio Rapido Regolare il Livello D’uscitaAjustes de Control Iniciales Conxion AudioSchnellanletung Conxion de CorrienteAjuste del Nivel de Salida AnfangseinstellungenOverview Anschluss an Das StromnetzEinstellung des Ausgangspegels S i n g t h e L o u d s p e a k e rPhysical Installation O u n t i n g / R i g g i n gO d e l s M p l i f i c a t i o nMontaqge/Installation Montaggio/Rigging Montaje/AnclajeMontge/AufhängungRigging O u n t i n g P o i n t Wo r k i n g L o a d L i m i t sDespazamiento del módulo amplificador Ausbau des EndstufenmodulsU b w o o f e r T a g e M o n i t o rE n t e r o f G r a v i t y Ve r t i c a l a r r a yO r i z o n t a l a r r a y Electrical Installation Connecxion du Signal AudioU d i o S i g n a l C o n n e c t i o n Conneccione del Segnale AudioAudiosignalverbindung N p u t P a n e lO o p C o n n e c t o r Alimentation Secteur Alimentazione AC Fuente de alimentaciónC M a I N S S u p p l y Netzstromversorgung Cordon secteurCavo dalimentazione AC C M a i n s C a b l eCable de alimentación NetzkabelO w e r O n / O f f E t t i n g t h e H P F H i g h P a s s F i l t e r E t t i n g t h e O p e r a t i n g M o d eP e r a t i n g C o n t r o l s S u b w o o f e r E t t i n g t h e G a i n S w i t c hE t t i n g t h e P o l a r i t y Recommended usage Section Operation P e r a t i n g I n d i c a t o r sI m i t e r a c t i v e L i pM p l i f i e r S t a t u s I g n a l P r e s e n tG n a l P r o c e s s i n g X t e r n a l S i g n a l P r o c e s s i n gMaintenance and Service ServiceA i n t e n a n c e Entretien Général Assistenza TecnicaFusible secteur Fusibile ACFusible de corriente NetzsicherungSicherungstyp I e l d Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Full-RangeM p l i f i e r M o d u l e s E p l a c i n g t h e a m p l i f i e r M o d u l eBlock Diagram SectionPage RD0385 D JAN06