frequency, FlexRadio uses a
While indisputably a direct descendant of the
Table 1
FlexRadio FLEX-5000A, serial number 5107-5268
Manufacturer’s Specifications | Measured in the ARRL Lab |
Frequency coverage: Receive, | Receive, as specified (sensitivity |
transmit, | degrades below 0.2 MHz). |
5.3665, 5.3715, 5.4035, | Transmit, as specified. |
| |
24.99, |
Power requirement: | Receive, 1.6 A; transmit, 17 A; |
receive, 1.5 A (typical); transmit, 25 A (max). | tested at 13.8 V dc. |
Modes of operation: SSB, CW, AM, FM, | As specified. |
remained essentially the same.
PowerSDR — the Face of the Future?
In Zen terms, the radio is one with its GPL
For the benefit of Flex cognoscenti, our unit ran PowerSDR version 1.10.4, at the time the latest Official Release, throughout the review process. It is important to keep in mind that any review of a software defined product is a snapshot in time. FlexRadio and their user community are constantly working on enhancements and upgrades to this prod- uct. As time marches on, the
For those who enjoy adventures in software, new PowerSDR test versions are available for download on a regular (some- times daily) basis. To take advantage of the latest version under development you must install and set up TortoiseSVN, a program that manages the various files and versions (SVN stands for Subversion). The SVN re- leases may have solved some of the issues described in this review and can be evalu-
CW sensitivity, 500 Hz bandwidth, preamp off/on:
Noise figure: Not specified.
AM sensitivity: Not specified.
FM sensitivity: Not specified.
Blocking gain compression: Not specified.
Reciprocal Mixing (500 Hz BW): Not specified
Band/Preamp | Spacing | Input level |
3.5 MHz/Off | 20 kHz | |
| |
14 MHz/Off | 20 kHz | |
| |
| 0 dBm |
14 MHz/On | 20 kHz | |
| |
14 MHz/Off | 5 kHz | |
| |
14 MHz/Off | 2 kHz | |
| |
50 MHz/On | 20 kHz | |
Receiver Dynamic Testing Noise Floor (MDS), 500 Hz bandwidth:
Preamp | Off | On |
1.0 MHz | n/a | |
3.5 MHz | ||
14 MHz | ||
50 MHz | n/a | |
14 MHz, preamp off/on: 28/15 dB. | ||
10 dB (S+N)/N, 1 kHz, 30% modulation: | ||
Preamp | Off | On |
1.0 MHz | 4.4 µV | n/a |
3.9 MHz | 6.3 µV | 1.6 µV |
50 MHz | n/a | 3.7 µV |
For 12 dB SINAD: |
| |
Preamp | Off | On |
29 MHz | n/a | 0.64 µV |
52 MHz | n/a | 1.4 µV |
Gain compression, 500 Hz bandwidth:1 | ||
| 20 kHz offset | 5/2 kHz offset |
| Preamp off/on | Preamp off |
3.5 MHz | 123/120 dB | 123/123 dB |
14 MHz | 123/122 dB | 123/123 dB |
50 MHz | n/a/118 dB | n/a |
20/5/2 kHz offset: | ||
39 dBM. |
Measured | Measured | Calculated |
IMD level | IMD DR | IP3 |
94 dB | +22 dBm | |
| +33 dBm | |
99 dB | +30 dBm | |
| +39 dBm | |
n/a2 |
99 dB | +17 dBm | |
| +21 dBm | |
99 dB | +30 dBm | |
| +39 dBm | |
99 dB | +30 dBm | |
| +39 dBm | |
95 dB | +15 dBm | |
| +16 dBm |
Preamp off/on: +63/+59 dBm.
ated by the user community as development progresses. Eventually, after extensive test- ing, the changes find their way into the next Official Release.
According to FlexRadio, the majority of owners use three versions of PowerSDR. They have the current Official Release for backup and benchmarking, their favorite stable SVN release for most operating, and the latest SVN release to play with. More information and a setup guide are available
from the FlexRadio Web site.
FlexRadio says PowerSDR will continue to be open source, although certain control functions are defined in
Ugly Betty
The FLEX-5000A offers more features and
flexibility than virtually any other transceiver I’ve ever seen and possibly any other radio on the market. I was disappointed in PowerSDR’s look and feel, however. The latest version of PowerSDR is a Windows 98 implementation in a Vista world. Although more feature laden, cosmetically it’s very similar to the SDR- 1000’s “front panel” of an earlier PC epoch.
But even TV’s “Ugly Betty” has a boy- friend. It’s what lies behind PowerSDR’s stodgy,
From July 2008 QST © ARRL