Play Video, Audio and Photo files
6.5 Remote Control – description of all buttons and functions
Power: Power On/Off
TV Type: Select 4:3 letterbox, panscan, 16::9 wide
Audio: Select Audio files or
Caption: Setup of location / size /
Scr. Size: Control the size of the screen (up / down / enlarge overall / return to the original size)
Cancel: Cancel the number and make it 0 (zero)
Number: Keys Input number
Setup: Move to Setup page
Direction Keys: Move up / down / left / right
Enter: Save a new configuration / select or play a selected file
Time Search: Move to a selected time
of a file
Brt. Cont.: Control luminosity / color depth / brightness of a screen
Media Type: Select one of Medias (Video / Audio / Play List)
Prev: Move to a previous file or page
Next: Move to a next file or page
Mute: Mute the sound. Disable Mute by pressing again
File Info: Show the information of the file played
Stop: Stop the file
Play: Play a file
Pause: Pause a file. Press it again to resume playback
Rew: Play backward. Press over and over again for faster backward play.
FF:Play forward. Press over and over again for faster forward play
F1: Change Video Output. If you can not see a normal TV screen, press this button over and over again slowly until you have a normal screen.
F2: Rotate a photo