Gefen EXT-HD-DSMP Renaming Files and Directories, ActiveSchedule value=/schedules/schedule.gsh

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Renaming Files and Directories

As mentioned earlier, three (3) directories must reside in the root directory of the USB drive at all times: /media /playlists, and /schedules

The settings.xml file must always reside in the root directory.

The names given to each of the files and directories are provided as a guide and are by no means static. However, each of the files will reference a specific directory name. Therefore, if a directory name is changed, then the file which references that directory must also be changed to reflect the new information.

Example 1:

The settings.xml file references the active schedule file, like so:

<activeSchedule value=”/schedules/schedule.gsh” />

If the /schedules directory is renamed to /foo, then the activeSchedule value within the settings.xml file, must be changed to:

<activeSchedule value=”/foo/schedule.gsh” />

Example 2:

The schedule.gsh file may reference a playlist (or playlists), as follows:


If the /playlists directory is renamed to /foo2 , then the schedule.gsh file must be edited to reference the correct playlist directory name:


The flexibility of renaming directories and files allows you to provide more meaningful names to the directory structure. The only exception is the settings.xml file.

IMPORTANT: The settings.xml file must never be renamed, moved,

or deleted.


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Contents EXT-HD-DSMP Technical Support Asking for AssistanceTechnical Support Hours Write ToContents Gefen IntroductionGefen Hi-Def Digital Signage Media Player How It WorksNtfs Operation NotesFeatures FeaturesPackage Includes Front Panel Front Panel LayoutStatus Front Panel DescriptionsBack Panel Back Panel LayoutComponent Back Panel DescriptionsIR Remote Layout EXT-HD-DSMP-IR Remote Control UnitIR Remote Descriptions PowerInstalling the Batteries IR Remote InstallationConnecting the HI-DEF Digital Signage Media Player How to Connect the Hi-Def Digital Signage Media PlayerWiring Diagram for the Hi-Def Digital Signage Media Player Operating the HI-DEF Digital Signage Media Player Powering the Hi-Def Digital Signage Media PlayerNumeric Keypad Accessing the Main MenuPIN code is always masked during entry Safely Removing the USB Storage Device Operating the HI-DEF Digital Signage Media Player Directory and File Nomenclature HOW the HI-DEF Digital Signage Media Player WorksActiveSchedule value=/schedules/schedule.gsh Renaming Files and DirectoriesNetwork Modes Push Mode Stand-Alone ModePull Mode Operating ModesUsing Stand-Alone Mode STAND-ALONE ModeEject USB Device Viewing the Schedule File FileName/playlists/playlist.gpl/FileName FileName/media/mymovie.mp4/FileName Editing the Playlist FileChecking our Work Viewing the Settings.xml FileFilenameFilesize Filetype Changing the Playlist Order Adding More Video Content to the PlaylistDefaultEvent Scheduling ContentUnderstanding the Default Event Default EventNetwork Mode / Push Mode Using Network ModeFTP Client and FTP Server Method 1 Configuration using the OSD Push ModeSelect the Set FTP username / password for client option Select the Enable / Disable FTP server / client option Method 2 Configuration using the settings.xml file Configuring the FTP Client File folder Sda1 Logs media playlists schedules settings.xml Pull Mode Password fields may be left blank Select the Set FTP username / password for server optionSelect the Enable / Disable FTP server / client option Name value=Gefen Player Set the pullMode attribute to enable PullSchedule PullRepeat value=hourly / none Daily Configuring the FTP Server Understanding the SETTINGS.XML file SETTINGS.XML File?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? SETTINGS.XML Summary Time Configuration OSD PIN CodePush Mode Configuration PullConfig Pull Mode Configuration Tag NameSyncMedia value=disable Tag Name pullSchedule Pull Schedule ConfigurationDisplay Configuration Setting the Active ScheduleAttributes reboot rebootTime Reboot Configuration Tag NameFirmware Update Enter the OSD and select Manual firmware update via USBUpdating the Firmware Firmware Update Toslink SpecificationsProduct Registration WarrantyPage Rev A4 Nordhoff St., Chatsworth CA