Pull Schedule Configuration
Tag Name : <pullSchedule>
Description: Located within the <pullSchedule> opening and closing tags. This section allows you to specify when content is pulled on a daily or hourly basis.
Attributes: pullRepeat time (daily) time (hourly)
Example : <pullConfig>
<pullRepeat value=”hourly” /> <none />
<time value=”10:00” /> </daily>
<time value=”00:20” /> </hourly> </pullSchedule>
If you want to only pull content on a daily basis, then set the pullRepeat attribute to “daily” then set the time value under the <daily> tag. Conversely, if you want to pull content on an hourly basis, then set the pullRepeat attribute to “hourly” and set the time value under the <hourly> tag.
In the example above, the pullRepeat value is set to ”hourly” and will pull from the server every 20 minutes. This value can be changed by
If the pullRepeat value was set to “daily”, then the Media Player would pull content each day at 10:00 am. Note that “daily” time values are based on a
To disable Pull mode, set the pullRepeat value to