4 | OPERATION | 4 |
1.POWER ON/OFF switch - Turns on cooling fan and powers remainder of control circuit. Red light shows POWER ON.
2.BLOWER FAIL indicator - The purpose of the BLOWER FAIL lamp is to warn the operator and remove the load to the load bank in case of an air failure or improper cooling of the load elements.
3.MASTER LOAD ON/OFF switch - The MASTER LOAD switch connects power to all load steps, thus allowing all load steps which are actuated to load at the same time. It is also a master load disconnect.
4.LOAD STEPS switches - The load in amps is marked above each actuating switch. A load step may be turned ON or OFF before or during a test but will load the unit only when the MASTER LOAD switch is ON. NOTE: For DC loads, if the polarity is not correct the load step switches will not activate the load.
5.ANALOG METERS - Monitors load characteristics DC and AC, Volts, and Amps.
All tests start with control panel switches in the OFF position.
Before energizing any load, verify that load voltage does not exceed rated voltage of load bank.
The unit is energized by turning the POWER switch ON. This also energizes the cooling fan motor.
Do not attempt operation if fan is not running. Fan inlet and exhaust must be unrestricted. The opera- tion of the fan is vital to the safe operation of this Load Bank. If BLOWER FAIL indicator light comes on and stays on for more than a few seconds without the load dropping out, shut off the POWER switch at once. Remove all power to the unit and check for proper operation of fan safety circuit. Failure to correct cool- ing air loss condition will result in destruction of the Load Bank. Refer to the Load Bank Safety section of this manual.
1.Connect Load Bank to 120 volts, single phase, 60 Hz power source.
2.Connect a wire from the Load Bank frame ground stud to power source frame.
3.Connect power source frame to a good earth ground.
4.Connect appropriate power source leads to Load Bank.
5.With POWER and MASTER LOAD switches in the OFF position, start the generator.
6.Place the POWER switch in the ON position. The red POWER lamp will light.
7.Position the LOAD STEPS switches for the desired load.
8.Turn on the MASTER LOAD switch to apply desired load. Load steps may be added or delet- ed at any time.
9.Use analog meters to monitor applied load.
10.After running tests, remove the load by turning off the MASTER LOAD switch. Residual heat may be removed from the Load Bank by allowing the blower to run a few minutes after load is removed. Although not required for maintaining Load Bank integrity, this procedure may guard operating per- sonnel from possible burn injuries.
DO NOT touch the exhaust screen during operation. The screen will become hot from the exhausted heat and may cause a serious burn. Refer to the Load Bank Safety sec- tion of this manual.
DO NOT allow objects to enter or block screens.
11.Place the POWER switch to the OFF position.
12.Shut down all power sources to the Load Bank.
13.Disconnect the power source cables to the Load Bank.