1.This product is not a toy. Do not allow chil- dren to play with or near this item.
2.Use for intended purpose(s) only.
3.Inspect before use; do not use if parts are loose or damaged.
4.Strut and Spring Compression station should be securely bolted to the workshop floor before use.
5.Apply grease to the front and rear faces of the main Upright (14) to assist the smooth sliding of upper and lower strut support (24, 31) Rollers (27).
6.DO NOT operate Spring Compressor if parts are damaged or missing as this may cause failure and/or personal injury.
7.Before compressing, make visual inspec- tion of machine to ensure pins are securely positioned and that there is no sign of wear or fatigue. If found, do not use the unit until it is replaced or repaired by a qualified techni- cian.
8.Ensure upper and lower Shoes (28, 28A), Strut Supports (31, 24) and their Retaining Pins (30, 23, 26) are properly positioned.
9.Before commencing compression of a spring, ensure ends of the spring are seated and be- ing held securely in upper and lower Shoes (28, 28A) of the compressor and cannot slide out during compression.
10.Always fit the Safety Chain (37) around strut and spring (see Fig. 2). Ensure Chain is not trapped in the coils of the spring being com- pressed.
11.Maintain product labels and nameplates. These carry important safety information. If unreadable or missing, contact Harbor Freight Tools for a replacement.
12.When compressing the spring, always stand to one side of the unit.
DANGER! Stop compressing the spring before the coils touch. Do not over compress.
13.Before attempting to remove top cap nut, always use some type of tool or short stick to test if the compression has been relieved,
DO NOT use your fingers.
14.Harbor Freight Tools recommends use of an appropriate tool, to be supplied by user, to remove top cap nut from upper strut mount.
15.Once compressed and strut is removed, it is a good idea to release the tension on the spring.
a.Do not leave the spring under compression in the machine unattended and do not leave in compression for prolonged periods, i.e. overnight.
16.Before releasing the compression, ensure that the top cap nut is securely fastened ac- cording to the manufacturer’s specs.
17.Release the compression slowly, keeping your hands and fingers away from the spring assembly.
18.Be sure the tension on the spring is fully held by the strut assembly before removing the strut from the Shoes (28) of the compressor.
1.When not in use, clean and store the Spring Compressor in a safe, dry, childproof location.
2.Maintain the Spring Compressor in good condition.
a.Replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine Harbor Freight Tools parts only.
b.Unauthorized parts may present a hazard and will invalidate the warranty.
Change Shoes
a.Two sets of Shoes (28, 28A), one large (28A) and one small (28), are provided. One set handles springs as small as 4" in diameter and the larger set handles springs as large as 6.3" in diameter.
b.To change to the second pair of Shoes, first undo and remove the Socket Cap Screw (33) that secures the Upper to the Upper Strut Support (31). Remove the
c.The Circlip (22) will remain in place on the other end.
d.Remove the Shoe (28). Hold the alternative Shoe in place within the support bracket and slide the Retaining Pin (23) back into place and lock it with the
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