Blade Lead
It is common for a bandsaw blade to wander off the cut line when sawing (Figure 33). This is called “blade lead.”
To correct blade lead:
1.Verify that the miter slot and fence are paral- lel to the side of the blade.
2.Make sure the blade is tracking properly and that it is correctly tensioned.
3.If the blade tension and tracking are correct- ly adjusted, and it is not convenient to replace the blade, compensate for lead by skewing the fence.
To skew the fence:
1.Obtain a piece of scrap wood that is approx- imately 3⁄4" thick x 3" wide x 17" long. On the wide face of the board, draw a straight line parallel to the long edge.
2.Slide the fence out of the way and cut free- hand along the line. Stop at the halfway point. Turn the bandsaw off and wait for the blade to stop.
3.Carefully clamp the board to the bandsaw table.
Knob Bolt
Figure 33. Blade leading away from line of cut.
4.Now, slide the fence over to the board so it barely touches the edge of the board.
5.Loosen the knob bolt that secures the fence angle position (Figure 33).
6.Skew the fence left or right so it is parallel to the edge of the scrap piece.
7.While maintaining the skew, tighten the knob bolt loosened in step 5.
Blade lead adjustments may need to be re- adjusted whenever a new blade is mount- ed on the saw.
G8976 3 Wheel 12" Bandsaw |