Figure 33. Dimensions of coplanarity gauge.
Figure 34. Checking for coplanarity.
Wheel Alignment
Wheel alignment is one of the most critical fac- tors for optimal performance from your bandsaw. Heat, vibration, wandering, blade wear, tire wear and overall bandsaw wear are considerably decreased when the wheels are properly aligned or “coplanar.”
Coplanar wheels automatically track the blade by balancing it on the crown of the wheel’s tire. This is known as coplanar tracking.
To check if your wheels are coplanar:
1.The body of the bandsaw does not allow you to place a regular straightedge across both wheels at the same time. We’ve found a sim- ple way to overcome this situation. All you need is a 43" x 2" x 4" board and a saw. After you are certain that the board is straight (this can easily be checked with a 4' level), simply cut a 11⁄2" notch out of the center. Refer to Figure 33 for more details on how to make this gauge.
2.After you’ve made your coplanarity gauge, remove the fence and table, then open both wheel covers.
3.Make sure the guide blocks and rear support bearings are away from the blade, then tighten your blade to the tension that it will be used during operation.
4.Place your gauge up against both wheels in the positions shown in Figure 34.
5.Adjust the tracking knob to get both wheels parallel. If the wheels won’t go parallel to each other, then move the lower wheel at the adjustment hub so they line up.