The W1099 is designed to produce
1.The W1099 is capable of processing material up to 11/4" thick and up to 12" wide.
2.It is designed to be used with 1/4" shank, 1/2", 14° dovetail bits only. The bit should pro- trude approximately 17/32" below the base.
3.The maximum router base size that can be used with this jig is 7" in diameter.
4.The guide bushing should protrude 1/8" to 3/16" from the base of the router and be 7/16" in outside diameter (O.D.).
This jig can only be used with a guide bushing attached to your router base.
The table below shows the pin widths produced by different sized templates. Your jig comes with a 1/2" template. Other templates are available from your local Woodstock dealer.
Template Size | Bit Size | Bushing Size | Pin Width |
1/2" | 1/2" | 7/16" | 5/8" |
7/16" | 1/2" | 7/16" | 1/2" |
9/16" | 1/2" | 7/16" | 3/4" |
Tail | Pin | Pin Depth |
| |
| Pin Width |
Figure 2 gives a description of dovetail pins.
It is important to plan your work before starting. If joining multiple pieces for a drawer or series of drawers, it is best to label the pieces as front, back and sides and which face will be inside or outside. It is also best to label the ends so it is clear which end mates with another. Labeling will save setup time and avoid costly mistakes in the long run.
A typical drawer has a 3/4" thick front with sides made of 1/2" material. The dovetail jig’s design requires that you use the same stock thickness for the back as you do for the front. Your drawer fronts and backs must be at least 5/8" thick to fully accommodate the length of the dovetails without compromising strength.
After all the pieces have been cut to size and checked to ensure squareness, set them on a bench in the order that they will be fitted together. Lay each piece down so the inside faces up. Label each piece on the inside as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 shows the pieces laid out for labeling.
Woodstock Intl., Inc. W1099 | - 5 - |