Symptom | Condition / Workaround | Issue |
Traffic over static VPN routes is dropped | Occurs after the X1 link on the Master node is | 90215 |
after a node level link failover. | disconnected. Traffic will drop over the VPN tunnel, |
| but after flushing the connection, traffic will |
| recommence flowing through the tunnel. |
Active/Active clustering IP Helper support | Occurs when trying to use IP Helper in an Active/Active | 89265 |
does not yet exist. | clustering deployment. |
On the | Occurs when viewing the comment settings for a BGP | 89112 |
routes are shown as “OSPF or RIP route.” | route in the Network > Routing page. The comment |
| should show as “BGP route.” |
When a node is deleted from the | Occurs when deleting a node from the Active/Active | 89017 |
Active/Active Nodes table on the High | Nodes table and then viewing the Network > Interfaces |
Availability page, the interface is not | page. Workaround: Click the edit icon for the deleted |
deleted from the Network > Interfaces | interface and then click OK. The interface will be |
page. | deleted. |
OSPF continues to advertise the Default | Occurs when the option is enabled to advertise the | 88371 |
Route even after a WAN link failure due to | default route when the WAN is up, and WLB Probing is |
WAN Load Balancing logical probing. | enabled on the WAN. Upon a WAN link failure, OSPF |
| will still display the default route. |
Incorrectly configured routes prevent the | Occurs when a preferences file is uploaded containing | 68413 |
user from connecting to or pinging the | custom routes in which the Destination network is |
directly connected network. | pointing to a LAN subnet and the Default Gateway is in |
| the same subnet, or the Destination firewall interface IP |
| address is routed to the Default Gateway IP address. |
SonicOS Enhanced Release Notes
P/N 232-002002-00 Rev B