To modify Activity 5 settings
• Click on: the ‘Activity 5’ tab
• Select or de-select your preferred options
• Click on a radio button to choose your preferred Turtle graphic for the activity
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Settings for activity 4
By placing a tick in one or more check boxes you can choose whether the children are presented with a sandwich, pizza or burger menu. Alternatively select any combination and the children will randomly be presented a menu.
Monetary values are introduced in tasks two and three of activity four. To give you control over the value of the ingredients and target the activity at a particular year group you can specify a minimum and maximum value for the ingredients.
To select your menu/s put a tick in each relevant check box
To specify minimum and maximum values in the ‘Range of Prices’
• Click on: the ‘Activity 4’ tab
• Type your lowest and highest chosen values
In addition in task three you can define a specific budget as part of the activity.
Settings for activity 5
In all the tasks of activity five you can choose whether or not you wish to include obstacles for the children to navigate around, whether the children are presented with preferred letters chosen by you or CVC words
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