4.If the vise and blade are square but the pointer (D, Figure 10) is off slightly, loosen the screw and adjust the pointer until it lines up with zero on the scale. Tighten the screw.
NOTE: The handle (A, Figure 10) is adjustable. Simply lift up on the handle and rotate it on the pin. Release the handle, making sure it seats itself properly on the pin.
Setting 45° Stop
Swivel the bow to the 45° angle. Use a machinist’s protractor or similiar 45° device to check the blade’s angle to the vise.
If adjustment is needed, loosen the hex nut on the 45° stop (E, Figure 10) and rotate the screw as needed with a 10mm wrench. When satisfied, tighten the hex nut.
Setting Downfeed Rate
The downfeed rate of the blade is important to band saw performance. Excessive pressure of blade against the workpiece may break the blade or stall the saw. In contrast, insufficient pressure rapidly dulls the blade.
Turn the valve lever (F, Figure 11) parallel to the hydraulic cylinder (K, Figure 11) to lower the bow. The rate of downfeed is adjusted by the dial (G, Figure 11).
The stop screw (H, Figure 11) prevents the blade from contacting the base after the cut. It has been adjusted at the factory. If future adjustment is ever needed, loosen the hex nut (J, Figure 11) with a 14mm wrench and rotate the screw (H, Figure 11) as needed, then re- tighten the hex nut (J, Figure 11).
Positioning the Vise
Keep hands away from blade while adjusting the vise.
1.The workpiece is placed against the fixed jaw on the right, which has already been squared (see “Squaring Vise to Blade”).
2.The vise has a
Figure 11
Figure 12