Graco Inc GC-1392 Z important safety instructions GC-1392Y

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Contents MCG-SSP Contents ‡.HHSDZRUNLQJ¿UHHWLQJXLVKHULQWKHZRUNDUHD SUHYHQW¿UHDQGHSORVLRQSkin Injection Hazard Spraying and Lamination Operations Important Safety InformationMethyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide Mekp Polyester Resins and Gel-CoatsWKHZRUNDUHD GroundingTubes and place them in the material drums Set-UpConnect a main air supply to system. GlasCraft $VVHPEOHKDUGZDUHNLWFRPSRQHQWVDVVKRZQ Set-Up Additional Color Installation InstructionsAdditional Color Part Description 0RXQWÀXLGVHFWLRQNLWDVVKRZQAssemble material valve and Q.D. Fitting onto material Hose Revision Y 7RUHOLHYHÀXLGDQGDLUSUHVVXUHV Pressure Relief ProcedureSet-up is fully operational Start-UpBefore Operating the System 6ROYHQW Before initial operation of any internal mixDQGLQVSHFWWKHÀRZRIFDWDO\VWIURPQROH CatalystSURSHUVROYHQWÀXVKLQJDWWKHJXQ ÀRZVEDFNWRWKHERWWOHStart-Up Gel-Coat HWDFK4XLFNLVFRQQHFWLWWLQJ *XQHQG  Start-Up Color Change Procedure7XUQ$LU&RQWURO9DOYHFORFNZLVHWR³&2/25 ÀXLGVHFWLRQVKDIWV LJKWHQ/RFNRZQ%ROWVVHFXUHO\ORFNGRZQ ORFNSLQ17 XUQ0DWHULDO9DOYHRQEDFNRI*XQWR³2Q´ NQREWRGLVHQJDJHWKHFDWDO\VWShut-Down Shut-Down Instructions Procedures MCG Part Description Parts$VVHPEO\UDZLQJV $VVHPEO\UDZLQJV GC-1392Y CJ-154 AIR Motor Lock Washer $0$LU0RWRU$VVHPEO\ Fluid Section Part Description Qty Part Description Qty GAM-268-01 Material Pick-Up Kit Part Description Qty LPA-165 Catalyst Bottle Part Description Qty QVSHFWDQGOXEULFDWH&DWDO\VW6ODYH3XPS/LQNDJH MaintenanceAccessories Indy X Gun 410 With Chopper Option 22354-00 LPA2 Gun With 3WPG-10-K Chopper Option AAC Tubing Solvent AIR AAC Tubing Solvent ~ 22356-00 Formula Gel-Coat Gun With Screw On Formula X Gun Category Data Technical DataGC-1392Z For Graco Canada Customers Graco Ohio InformationGraco Headquarters Minneapolis