Grizzly G0519 owner manual Test Run,  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#

Page 15

Test Run

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>[! Yjg^c\ i]Z iZhi gjc! ndj XVccdi ZVh^an adXViZ i]ZhdjgXZd[VcjcjhjVacd^hZdgk^WgVi^dc!hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^bbZY^ViZan! i]Zc gZk^Zl TroubleshootingdcPage 31#

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Before starting your machine, make sure you have performed the preceding assem- bly and adjustment instructions, and you have read through the rest of the manual and are familiar with the various functions and safety features on this machine. Failure to follow this warning could result in seri- ous personal injury or even death!

To test run the machine:

1. BV`Z hjgZ ndj gZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY i]Z hV[Zin^chigjXi^dch^ci]^hbVcjVaVcYi]Vii]Z bVX]^cZ^hhZijeegdeZgan#

2. H]^[ii]Zhe^cYaZheZZYaZkZghidi]Zhe^cYaZ heZZYd[&'%GEB#GZ[ZgidControl Panels dcPage 16^[gZfj^gZY#

3# 9d Vaa ajWg^XVi^dc egdXZYjgZh ]^\]a^\]ied ^c Lubrication ^c Section 6: MAINTENANCE dc Page 29.

4. BV`ZhjgZVaaiddahVcYdW_ZXihjhZYYjg^c\ hZijeVgZXaZVgZYVlVn[gdbi]ZbVX]^cZ#

5. 8dccZXii]ZbVX]^cZidi]ZedlZghdjgXZ#

6. Ejh]i]Z:B:G<:C8NHIDEWjiidc^c!i]Zc il^hi ^i XadX`l^hZ hd ^i edeh dji# L]Zc i]Z D;;Wjiidcedehdji!i]Zhl^iX]^hgZhZiVcY i]Z bVX]^cZ ^h gZVYn [dg deZgVi^dc Figure 8#


Figure 8. 8dcigdaeVcZa#

7. Ijgci]ZgdiVgnhl^iX]idi]ZI6EE>C<bdYZ VcYejh]i]ZHI6GIWjiidcFigure 8#

L]Zc deZgVi^c\ XdggZXian! i]Z bVX]^cZ gjch hbddi]an l^i] a^iiaZ dg cd k^WgVi^dc dg gjWW^c\cd^hZh#

>ckZhi^\ViZVcYXdggZXihigVc\ZdgjcjhjVa cd^hZh dg k^WgVi^dch WZ[dgZ deZgVi^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ[jgi]Zg#6alVnhhidei]ZbVX]^cZ VcYY^hXdccZXi^i[gdbedlZgWZ[dgZ^ckZh" i^\Vi^c\dgXdggZXi^c\ediZci^VaegdWaZbh#

8. Ejaai]ZgVX`]VcYaZYdlchdi]ZYZei]hide

gZVYh oZgd# 6i i]^h ed^ci i]Z a^b^i hl^iX] l^aa


9. EgZhh i]Z :B:G<:C8N HIDE Wjiidc id hidei]ZbVX]^cZ#

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Image 15
Contents Model G0519 MILL/DRILL/TAPPING Machine Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Baa$9gaa$IVeec\BVXcZ IntroductionManual Accuracy Functional Overview Contact Info%*&.XdcigdahVcYZVijgZh# IdentificationMachine Data Sheet AZVYHXgZlcd Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyMany Machines will Eject the Workpiecetowardtheoperator Additional Safety for Mill/Drills Circuit Requirements 220V 3-Phase OperationDescription Qty SET UPSetup Safety Items Needed for UnpackingContents Figures 3 & 4# Qty Inventory Clean UpFloor Load Placement LocationSite Considerations Mounting to WorkbenchTest Run  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ# EjaaiZgVX`VcYaZYdlchdiZYZeihide Spindle Break-In To break-in the machine# AZi iZ bVXcZ i gjc dg V bcbjb d &% bcjiZh# Operation Safety OperationsBasic Controls =ZVYhidX`XdcigdaeVcZa# Baa$9gaa$IVeec\BVXcZ WVhXYZeihXVaZ#Changing the spindle position using the fine feed dial Changing spindle position using the coarse feed leversTo change the spindle return spring tension InstallationSpindle Return Spring Tension Drill Chuck9H8DCC8I I= B68=C GDB EDLG  JchXgZliZYgVlWVgXVe# ColletsRemoval  GZchiVaaiZYgVlWVgXVe#OVmh =VcY8gVc` Headstock Travel Axis and RotationRaising or Lowering the Headstock 9H8DCC8I I= B68=C GDB EDLG  I\iZciZhecYaZadX`#Cross Feed Table Travel Axis and Y-AxisRotating the Headstock to the Left or Right Longitudinal FeedCalculating Setting Spindle RPM An example of how to determine your needed spindle RPMCutting Speeds for High Speed Steel HSS Cutting Tools Using the Drill Bit Speed Chart Drilling SpeedLubrication Suggestions Material to be Tapped Feed Speed Tapping Speed and Lubrication ChartTapping Speed and Lubricant Chart Spindle RPM = Feed Speed SFM Tap DiameterTapping Mode WZXji#HideiZbVXcZlZcYdcZ# Accessories H3022-Measurement Tool SetG2861-Face Mill G4051-Carbide Insert for Flycutter H5685-4Rotary Table G9322-Boring Head Combo SetG7160-Machine Mounts G1075-52-Pc Clamping KitT20640-Machinery’s Handbook H5781-Optical Punch SetH2689-R-8 Quick Change Collet Set H1414 H1413 H1412Leadscrew and Gears MaintenanceSchedule LubricationTable Ways Rack and Pinion, and QuillHand Wheel Lubrication GearboxHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceAbout Service TroubleshootingIVWaZVgYidbdkZ# AdX`hVgZi\iZcZYYdlc# Gib Adjustment Halfnut AdjustmentTo adjust the table gibs Wiring Safety Instructions Wiring220 VAC Wiring OverviewBVcXdcigdaWdm# Control BOX Control Panel Rear View KdaiEVhZ Bdidg Headstock Parts Breakdown PartsDescription Cluster Gear Base and Column Parts Breakdown Base Labels Breakdown & List Baa$9gaa$IVeec\BVXcZ IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg 8VWcZiBV`Zg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZWarranty and Returns #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%