Grizzly G5770 owner manual Preparation, Flat Rolling, To prepare the slip roll for use

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7Z[dgZZkZgnjhZ![daadli]ZhZegdXZYjgZhidhZi je ndjg ha^e gdaa [dg hV[Z! VXXjgViZ! VcY Z[[^X^Zci jhZ#

To prepare the slip roll for use:

1.Ijgc i]Z i]^X`cZhh VY_jhi `cdW id adlZg i]Z Wdiidb gdaaZg id Veegdm^bViZan &$) WZadl i]Z idegdaaZg#JhZXVa^eZghdgVheVXZgidhZii]Z Y^hiVcXZ WZilZZc i]Z gdaaZgh ZkZcan Vi ZVX] ZcYFigure 11#


Figure 11.7diidbgdaaZgegZeVgVi^dc#

2. AdlZg i]Z gZVg gdaaZg Vh [Vg Vh edhh^WaZ#



ViZVX]ZcYFigure 12#


Figure 12.GZVggdaaZgegZeVgVi^dc#

Flat Rolling

I]Z BdYZa <*,,% XVc WZ jhZY id [aVi gdaa h]ZZi bZiVa je id '' \Vj\Z# I]^h XVc WZ YdcZ id higV^\]iZc! [aViiZc! VcY ha^\]ian gZYjXZ i]Z i]^X`" cZhh d[ hd[i ldg`e^ZXZh hjX] Vh WgVhh! XdeeZg! VcYVajb^cjb#

The main rollers of this machine present a pinch- ing hazard. Make sure no body part or clothing is near the area between the rollers. Failure to follow this warning may result in fin- gers, hair, or clothing being pulled into the machine, causing personal injury.

To flat roll a workpiece:

1.EaVXZi]Zldg`e^ZXZWZilZZci]ZideVcYWdi" idbgdaaZgh!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 13#Ijgci]Z i]^X`cZhhVY_jhi`cdWhida^[ii]ZWdiidbgdaaZg jci^ai]Zldg`e^ZXZ^h]ZaYhcj\WZilZZci]Z ide VcY Wdiidb gdaaZgh# 7Z hjgZ id ijgc i]Z i]^X`cZhh VY_jhi `cdWh dc Wdi] ZcYh d[ i]Z gdaaZgZfjVaVbdjcih#


Figure 13.GV^h^c\WdiidbgdaaZg[dg[aVigdaa^c\#



Image 16
Contents Model G5770 Slip Roll 22 Gauge Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy Functional Overview IntroductionContact Info JhZYYjgc\iZkVgdjhhiZehddeZgVidc# Sample illustration +HaeGdaaVj\ZMachine Data Sheet  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh# 53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2  !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#Additional Safety for Slip Rolls Setup Items Needed for SetupUnpacking Description Qty ™ EdlZgAic\fjebZciInventory Box 1 Figure QtyHardware Recognition Chart Clean Up Site ConsiderationsAssemblyMounting To assemble your machineThickness Adjust Knob GVhZhVcYadlZghiZ OperationsBasic Controls Upper BushingFlat Rolling PreparationTo prepare the slip roll for use 6eegdmbViZan ¿ Ijgc# Creating BendsXgVc` # ZZYc\iZldg`eZXZ# Creating Cylinders   C=π6 828gXjbZgZcXZ929VbZiZg  82π9  823.142m6Figures 24 VcY 25# Bending Wire To use the wire grooves EaVXZ ndjg ldg`eZXZ cid iZ hbVaaZhi edh VgZ¿&+!&¿!VcY*¿&+ #Removing Workpiece To remove cylindrical workpiecesAccessories H6073-Deluxe Power SnipG5618-Deburring Tool with two Blades G5562-SLIPIT1 Qt. Gel G5563-SLIPIT12 oz SprayG4956-Super Nibbler H5958-Sheet Metal PliersG8781-41⁄2 Suction Cup H6131-Heavy-Duty Hand RiveterMaintenance CleaningSchedule Unpainted Cast IronTroubleshooting ServiceHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc Parts Breakdown & List DescriptionLabels Breakdown & Parts List =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgEaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%