2.Ijgci]ZXgVc`XadX`l^hZid[ZZYi]Zldg`e^ZXZ jci^a ^i ^h Veegdm^bViZan ]Va[lVn i]gdj\] i]Z gdaaZgh#
3. Ijgc i]Z gVY^jh VY_jhi `cdWh id a^[i i]Z gZVg gdaaZgjci^ai]ZYZh^gZYgVY^jhWZcY^hgZVX]ZY Figure 22# BV`Z hjgZ id ijgc i]Z `cdWh ZfjVa Vbdjcih hd i]Z gZVg gdaaZg ^h ValVnh eVgVaaZal^i]i]Zdi]ZggdaaZgh#;V^ajgZidYdhd l^aaXgZViZVaVg\ZggVY^jhdcdcZZcYi]Vci]Z di]Zg!gZhjai^c\^cVXdcZh]VeZ#
Note: 6alVnh err on the side of making the radius too large rather than too small. It is
easy to decrease the radius but very difficult | Figure 23.EgdXZhh^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ# | |
to increase the radius later. | ||
8L |
Figure 22.HZii^c\i]ZgVY^jh# |
ZcY ^cid i]Z ha^e gdaa! i]Zc egdXZhh i]Z
Figures 24 VcY 25#
4. Ijgc i]Z XgVc` id egdXZhh i]Z bViZg^Va i]gdj\] i]Z ha^e gdaa# 8dci^cjZ ijgc^c\ jci^a
i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ ^h XdbeaZiZan i]gdj\] i]Z ideFigure 24.GZ"^chZgi^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ# VcYWdiidbgdaaZghFigure 23#
Depending on the size and shape of your workpiece, you may need assistance to sup- port the workpiece as it exits the machine. Failure to adequately support the workpiece may result in the workpiece falling, causing crushing injuries.
Figure 25.8gZVi^c\i]ZXna^cYZg#
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