Associated Equipment 3HP, 2HP specifications Maintenance, TroubleshootingChart

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Est mate 2 CFM reduclionln air llow lof each loot ol duct; 15 CFM reductionfor each 90'curvedbend.Pneumaiic conveyanceoi wood dusl requiresa minimumair velocllyol 3500 FP[4 in lhe hose or duct;higherlor heav]ermateriats. CFIVmust not be reducedbelowthe levelrequlredlo provide this arrvelocily.


High voltage electical powet can cause severe iniury or death. Always

clisconnectof lock out ,rom tmwer source and let motor come to a complete stop belore inspecting, moving ol

High spee.l rctating equlpment can

A WARIIIiIG cause severe perconal injury Disconnectof lock out trom power source ancllet motor come to a complete stop belore inspecting, moving or


Thebearingsontheelectricalmororarelubrlcaledandseaed forlile,sotheyneedno lubricationdurlnguse.Keeplhe motor cleanas excessivedul mayprevenlpropercooing,use no morelhan50 psiairlo blowoffexcessivedirl.


Weareye prctectlon while using an


at hose tor cleaning-

BLOWEFWHEELANDSTEELCOMPONENTS Thecastalumrnumblowerwheelandsteelcomponentsare mainlenancefreeandshoud nol requireanymaintenance duringthe ifeoi the unit-

lf a vibralionshoulddevelopit mayindicateexcessivewearor damageto lhe blowerwheelIn.thiscase,withthemotor lurnedOFFandLOCKEDOUI inspectthe blowerwhee.lf anydamagedor excessiveywornareasarenoted,replace

AWASI{[{G Do not opercte the alustcollector with a damageclot severcly wom

blower wheel.The wheel may disinEgrcte at opeating speeclanr! high speeclfragrnenls may causedeath or sevete perconal injury anclprcperty clamage.

FILTERBAG(DONOTBEMOVEWHILEUNITIS RUNNING) Perlodcalycheckthefillerbagforwornor damagedareas. Beplacelhe bagil wornor damagedareasarelound.


Do not operate with a won or


clamagedlilEr bag as escaping clu6t

could leacl to rcspitation (brcathing) prouems ancuot eye clamage or blinclness.

It lhe inieior surlaceol lhe bag becomesdidy and a notceabledrop-oflin air ilow deveops, lhe bag may need to be cleaned.Disconneclmolor or lockout lrom powersource. Removeihe bag and lurn insideoul. Use low pressureaif to dislodgesudacedusl. ll l\e dusl ls lodgedbelowthe surface, ihe bag may be washed.Wa3husinga cold wdle . gertle cycle,and ine dry.lf the bag becomesdirty aga n very quickly, anolherlabrictype may be needed.

Do nol wash fet labricfiller bags which havea sudace coating;genllyr nse lhe coal ng with water



unitw ll noloperate.

1. {mproperelectricalconneclon.


1.TurnpowerOFF- asslrreunilis wiredper instruclionsCheck.andreplaceluseor clrcuitbreakeras neededbutdo not oversizetor the circuit.

2. Blowefwheel loose.

2.Suclionhosetoo long.



2.TurnunilOFF.Dsconnectpowercord.Turn unitover& spinwheelby hand.Beposilion andtighlensel screwsil necessary.'

1. TurnunilOFFandobservemotorcooling whee rciationas il stops.Rewirecorrecly

2. Placeunitcoserto duslsourceand

3. Cleanduslbag.Washcollonor knt filrer bagsinslandardwasher,linedry.Donot wash nternallycoatedfeltbags;gently rinsecoatingwlthclearwaterReplace.bag

'Tighlenwheel set screwsto 165 inch-pounds

Image 3
Contents GeneralSatetyInformation SpecificationsDescription UnpackingOoeratinolnstruclionsandPartsIVanual AssemblyOperation LnstallationTroubleshootingChart MaintenanceQes.q!9!e!-s-t ReDlacementParts List for 1/3.1/2and 3/aHP ModelsAlt t f f i t ?99? ?p921HP ReplacementPartsList for 1, 11/2,2 and 3Hp ModelsLl t--\-----f PartNumberfor Model DescriptionPage How To SelectThe ProperSizeDust Collector ExhaustVolumesRequiredfor DitterentApplications1Place LimitedWarrantySaletyGuards OperatinglnstruclionsandPartslvanual

2HP, 3HP specifications

The Associated Equipment 2HP and 3HP electric motors are designed to deliver reliable power and efficiency suitable for various industrial and commercial applications. These motors are widely recognized for their robust construction, versatility, and advanced technology.

One of the primary features of these motors is their high efficiency. The 2HP motor is designed to achieve an efficiency rating of around 85-90%, while the 3HP motor can reach efficiencies above 90%. This efficiency not only reduces energy consumption but also minimizes operational costs, making them an economical choice for businesses.

Both motors employ a rugged construction that enhances durability. They are typically built with cast iron or heavy-duty aluminum housings, which provide excellent protection against wear and tear. The paint finish is often weather-resistant, further extending the lifespan of the motor in various environments.

The 2HP and 3HP motors also come equipped with advanced thermal protection systems. These systems prevent overheating by automatically shutting down the motor when it exceeds safe operating temperatures, thus protecting both the motor and the connected equipment from damage.

In terms of technology, Associated Equipment integrates precision engineering into their motor designs. The winding configuration and high-quality copper windings used in these motors are optimized for low resistance and high conductivity. This ensures excellent performance and power delivery.

Another notable characteristic is the versatility of these motors. They can be used in a wide array of applications, from powering small machinery to larger industrial equipment. Their adaptability makes them suitable for use in manufacturing, woodworking, food processing, and numerous other fields.

Noise reduction features are also a highlight, with both models designed to operate quietly, reducing workplace noise levels and creating a more comfortable working environment.

Moreover, installation and maintenance are made easy with the design of both the 2HP and 3HP motors. They often come with standardized mounting options and simple electrical connections, allowing for quick setups and servicing.

In summary, the Associated Equipment 2HP and 3HP motors stand out for their efficiency, durability, advanced thermal protection, and versatility, making them a go-to choice for professionals looking for reliable electric motors in various applications.