DeWalt DWFP12232 Assembly, Operation, Maintenance, Accessories Three Year Limited Warranty

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WARNING: ALWAYS USE SAFETY GLASSES. Everyday eyeglasses are NOT safety glasses. Also use face or dust mask if operation is dusty. ALWAYS WEAR CERTIFIED SAFETY EQUIPMENT:

ANSI Z87.1 eye protection (CAN/CSA Z94.3),

ANSI S12.6 (S3.19) hearing protection,

NIOSH/OSHA respiratory protection.

Before operating this tool, carefully read and understand all instructions in Important Safety Instructions.


WARNING: Disconnect the tool from the air supply and remove fasteners from magazine before making adjustments or personal injury may result.


WARNING: Keep fingers AWAY from trigger when not driving fasteners to avoid accidental firing. Never carry tool with finger on trigger. In bump action mode (contact actuation mode) tool will drive a fastener if contact trip is bumped while trigger is pulled.

In accordance with the ANSI Standard SNT-101-2002, the DeWALT nailers are assembled with a sequential action trigger. NOTE: However, a bump action trigger kit may be purchased. For a replacement trigger or to order a bump action trigger contact your authorized service center or call 1-800-4-DeWALT.


Trigger Removal (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2




Fig. 4


Fig. 3



1.Disconnect the tool from the air supply.

2.Remove rubber grommet (N) from end of trigger pin (M).

3.Remove trigger pin.

4.Remove trigger assembly from trigger cavity under the handle of the tool housing.

Trigger Installation

1.Insert the trigger kit into trigger cavity.

2.Ensure that trigger spring (O) is placed around the trigger valve stem.

3.Align the holes of the trigger with the housing holes, then insert the trigger pin (M) through the entire assembly.

4.Push the rubber grommet (N) onto the end of the trigger pin.



WARNING: Read the section titled Important Safety Instructions for Pneumatic Tools at the beginning of this manual. Always wear proper eye [ANSI Z87.1 (CAN/CSA Z94.3)] and hearing protection [ANSI S12.6 (S3.19)] when operating this tool. Keep the nailer pointed away from yourself and others. For safe operation, complete the following procedures and checks before each use of the nailer.

NOTE: These nailers are designed to be used without oil.

1.Before you use the nailer, be sure that the compressor tanks have been properly drained.

2.Wear proper eye, hearing and respiratory protection.

3.Lock the magazine release in the back position and remove all fasteners from the magazine.

4.Check for smooth and proper operation of contact trip and pusher assemblies. Do not use tool if either assembly is not functioning properly. NEVER use a tool that has the contact trip restrained in the up position.

5.Adjust air supply. Ensure that air pressure does not exceed recommended operating limits; 70 to 120 psi, (4.9 to 8.3 bar, 5 to 8.5 kg/cm2).

6.Connect air hose.

7.Check for audible leaks around valves and gaskets. Never use a tool that leaks or has damaged parts.


WARNING: Keep the tool pointed away from yourself and others. Serious personal injury may result.

WARNING: Never load fasteners with the contact trip or trigger activated. Personal injury may result.

WARNING: Always disconnect the tool from the air supply before making any adjustments or attemping any repairs to the tool.

1.Read all Safety Warnings before using tool.

2.Connect the tool to air supply.

3.Push the magazine release (F) and slide magazine (E) to open chamber.

4.Position nailer on a stable surface so contact trip is pointing upward and away from you.

5.Insert fasteners into the chamber.

6.Slide magazine until it clicks, securing the magazine.


WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, ALWAYS wear proper eye [ANSI Z87.1 (CAN/CSA Z94.3)] and hearing protection [ANSI S12.6 (S3.19)] when operating this tool.

The tool can be actuated using one of two modes: single sequential action trigger mode and bump action trigger mode.

Sequential action trigger - Grey trigger (Fig. 1)

The sequential action triger’s intended use is for intermittent fastening where very careful and accurate placement is desired.

To operate the nailer in sequential action mode:

1.Depress the contact trip firmly against the work surface.

2.Pull the trigger.

WARNING: A fastener will be driven each time the trigger is pulled as long as the contact trip remains depressed which could result in accidental driving.

Bump action trigger - Black trigger (Fig. 1)

The bump action trigger’s intended use is for rapid fastening on flat, stationary surfaces.

Using the bump action trigger, two methods are available: place actuation and bump actuation.

To operate the tool using the PLACE ACTUATION method:

1.Push the contact trip against the work surface.

2.Pull the trigger.

To operate the tool using the BUMP ACTUATION method:

1.Pull the trigger.

2.Push the contact trip against the work surface. As long as the trigger is pulled, the tool will drive a fastener every time the contact trip is depressed. This allows the user to drive multiple fasteners in sequence.

WARNING: Do not keep trigger pulled when tool is not in use.


WARNING: To reduce risk of serious injury from accidental actuation when attempting to adjust depth, ALWAYS:

Disconnect the tool from the air supply.

Avoid contact with trigger during adjustments.

The depth that the fastener is driven can be adjusted using the depth adjustment next to the trigger of the tool.

1.To drive the fastener shallower, rotate the depth setting wheel (J) to the right.

2.To drive a fastener deeper, rotate the depth setting wheel (J) to the left.


WARNING: Disconnect the tool from the air supply and remove fasteners from magazine before making adjustments or personal injury may result.

WARNING: Keep the tool pointed away from yourself and others. Serious personal injury may result.

1.Disconnect the tool from the air supply.

2.Push the magazine release (F) and slide magazine to open chamber.

3.Position stapler on a stable surface so contact trip is pointing upward and away from you.

4.Remove ALL fasteners in the top chamber of the magazine.

5.Remove bent fastener, using pliers if necessary.

6.If driver blade is in the down position, insert screwdriver or other rod into nosepiece and push driver blade back in position.

7.Reinsert fasteners into the top chamber of the magazine (see Loading the Tool).

8.Slide magazine until it clicks, securing the magazine.

9.Reattach air supply.

NOTE: Should nails continue to jam frequently in nosepiece, have tool serviced by an authorized DeWALT service center.


When operating tools at temperatures below freezing:

1.Make sure compressor tanks have been properly drained prior to use.

2.Keep tool as warm as possible prior to use.

3.Make certain all fasteners have been removed from magazine.

4.Lower air pressure to 80 psi or less.

5.Reconnect air and and load nails into magazine.

6.Actuate the tool 5 or 6 times into scrap lumber to lubricate o-rings.

7.Turn pressure up to operating level (not to exceed 120 psi) and use tool as normal.

8.Always drain the compressor tanks at least once a daily.


Tool should operate normally. However, keep tool out of direct sunlight as excessive heat can deteriorate bumpers, o-rings and other rubber parts resulting in increased maintenance.

BELT HOOK (Fig. 1)

The DeWALT nailers include an integrated belt hook (I) and can be hooked to either side of the tool to accommodate left or right handed users.

If the hook is not desired at all, it can be removed from the tool.

To remove belt hook:

1.Disconnect the tool from the air supply.

2.Press the top of the belt hook and pull outwards to detach it.

WARNING: Never use belt hook with bump action trigger installed on tool.


WARNING: Disconnect the tool from the air supply and remove fasteners from magazine before making adjustments or personal injury may result.








Drain compressor

Prevents accumulation

Open petcocks or other drain valves on

tanks and hoses daily.

of moisture in

compressor tanks. Allow any


compressor and nailer.

accumulated water to drain from hoses.




Clean magazine,

Permits smooth

Blow clean with compressor air. The

magazine release and

operation of magazine,

use of oils, lubricants periodically

contact trip mechanism.

reduces wear and

or solvents is not recommended


prevents jams.

as they tend to attract debris.




Before each use, check

Prevents jams, leaks

Tighten loose screws or other

to insure all screws,

and premature

fasteners using the appropriate

nuts and fasteners are

failure of tool parts.

hex wrench or screwdriver.

tight and undamaged.







WARNING: Never use solvents or other harsh chemicals for cleaning the non-metallic parts of the tool. These chemicals may weaken the materials used in these parts. Use a cloth dampened only with water and mild soap. Never let any liquid get inside the tool; never immerse any part of the tool into a liquid.


To assure product SAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairs, maintenance and adjustment (including brush inspection and replacement) should be performed by a DeWALT factory service center, a DeWALT authorized service center or other qualified service personnel. Always use identical replacement parts. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide at the end of this section.


WARNING: Since accessories other than those offered by DeWALT have not been tested with this product, use of such accessories could be hazardous. For safest operation, only DeWALT recommended accessories should be used with this product.

Recommended accessories for use with your tool are available at extra cost from your local dealer or authorized service center. If you need assistance in locating any accessory, please contact DeWALT Industrial Tool Co., 701 East Joppa Road, Baltimore, MD 21286, call 1-800-4-DeWALT (1-800-433-9258) or visit our website


DeWALT will repair, without charge, any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship for three years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover part failure due to normal wear or tool abuse. For further detail of warranty coverage and warranty repair information, visit or call 1-800-4-DeWALT (1-800-433-9258). This warranty does not apply to accessories or damage caused where repairs have been made or attempted by others. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary in certain states or provinces.

In addition to the warranty, DeWALT tools are covered by our:

1 YEAR FREE SERVICE: DeWALT will maintain the tool and replace worn parts caused by normal use, for free, any time during the first year after purchase. Nailer wear items, such as o-rings and driver blades, are not covered.

90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you are not completely satisfied with the performance of your DeWALT Power Tool, Laser, or Nailer for any reason, you can return it within 90 days from the date of purchase with a receipt for a full refund – no questions asked.

LATIN AMERICA: This warranty does not apply to products sold in Latin America. For products sold in Latin America, see country specific warranty information contained in the packaging, call the local company or see website for warranty information.


If your warning labels (Fig. 5) become illegible or are missing, call 1-800-4-DeWALT for a free


Français continué

Lorsqu’on utilise l’actionnement par coup de la cloueuse, il faut toujours bien maîtriser l’outil. Un positionnement imprécis de l’outil peut entraîner une décharge mal dirigée d’une attache.


Lorsqu’on utilise la détente par action séquentielle, ne pas actionner l’outil à moins qu’il ne soit fermement appuyé contre la pièce.

RÉGLAGE DE LA PROFONDEUR : pour réduire les risques de blessures graves lors de l’actionnement intempestif de l’outil lorsqu’on tente de régler la profondeur,


débrancher la source d’alimentation en air;

éviter tout contact avec la détente lors des réglages.

Ne pas enfoncer des clous à l’aveuglette dans les murs, les planchers et autres zones de travail. Des attaches enfoncées dans des fils électriques sous tension, de la plomberie ou d’autres types d’obstacles peuvent entraîner des blessures. (fig. U)

Rester vigilant, faire attention au travail en cours et faire preuve de jugement dans l’utilisation de tout outil électrique. Ne pas utiliser d’outil en cas de fatigue ou sous l’emprise de drogues, d’alcool ou de médicaments. Un simple moment d’inattention en utilisant un outil électrique peut entraîner des blessures corporelles graves.

AVERTISSEMENT : La poussière produite par le sablage, le sciage, le meulage et le vissage avec des outils électriques et d'autres activités de construction renferme des produits chimiques reconnus par l'État de la Californie comme pouvant causer le cancer, des anomalies congénitales ou d'autres dommages aux fonctions reproductrices. Voici quelques exemples de ces produits chimiques :

Le plomb contenu dans les peintures à base de plomb

La silice cristallisée contenue dans les briques, le ciment et d'autres produits de maçonnerie

L'arsenic et le chrome contenu dans le bois traité chimiquement.

Les risques d'exposition varient selon la fréquence de ce genre de travaux. Pour réduire le risque d'exposition à ces produits chimiques : Travailler dans un endroit bien aéré et porter un équipement de protection adéquat comme des masques antipoussières conçus spécifiquement pour filtrer les particules microscopiques.

AVERTISSEMENT : l’utilisation de cet outil peut produire et/ou dégager des poussières qui risqueraient de causer des problèmes respiratoires graves et permanents ou d’autres problèmes médicaux. Toujours porter un appareil respiratoire approuvé par la NIOSH/OSHA pour se protéger de la poussière. Diriger les particules loin du visage et du corps. Toujours utiliser l’outil dans des endroits bien aérés et veiller à dépoussiérer correctement la zone de travail. Utiliser un système de dépoussiérage lorsque c’est possible.

AVERTISSEMENT : TOUJOURS PORTER DES LUNETTES DE SÉCURITÉ. Les lunettes ordinaires ne constituent PAS des lunettes de sécurité. Utiliser également un masque facial ou antipoussières si l’opération génère de la poussière. TOUJOURS PORTER UN ÉQUIPEMENT DE SÉCURITÉ HOMOLOGUÉ :

protection oculaire conforme à la norme ANSI Z87.1 (CAN/CSA Z94.3),

protection auditive conforme à la norme ANSI S12.6 (S3.19) et

protection des voies respiratoires conforme aux normes NIOSH/OSHA.

Avant d’utiliser l’outil, lire attentivement et bien assimiler toutes les instructions de la Consignes de sécurité importantes.


AVERTISSEMENT : Afin d'éviter les blessures, débranchez l'alimentation d'air, verrouillez la gâchette puis enlevez les agrafes du magazine avant d'effectuer des réglages.

Image 3
Contents Definitions Safety Guidelines Mesures DE Sécurité DéfinitionsPautas DE SEGURIDAD/DEFINICIONES To Avoid Double Fires Bump or Contact Actuation Trigger ModeSequential Action Trigger Mode Mode DE Détente Actionnée PAR Coup OU PAR ContactOperation AssemblyMaintenance Accessories Three Year Limited WarrantyEntretien AccessoiresRemplacement Gratuit DE Letiquiette FonctionnementGarantía Limitada POR Tres Años FuncionamientoMantenimiento AccesoriosTroubleshooting Guide Guía DE Solución DE ProblemasGuide DE Dépannage