1.The alarm will not react to the fob
a.Check the fob batteries (type CR2016).
b.Place the fob as near as possible to the alarm system main unit. If it will now disarm there are probably spurious radio signals in the vicinity. Move the scooter to another area.
c.Check the system fuse. If the alarm has no power it cannot power the radio receiver. Switch on the scooter ignition - if it disarms now the alarm’s power supply is at fault (fuse or connections).
2.False alarms.
Remember! The alarm may think it is being stolen, which is different to it being faulty!
a.Enter Diagnostic mode and find out why the alarm is/was reacting.
b.Take appropriate action - such as:
i.Enter Convenience Mode if it’s a windy day (see page 4).
ii.Check earth/power connections if you repeatedly get a ‘power interrupted’ signal.
3. The alarm fuse keeps failing.
The system cannot ‘blow’ the fuse. It is what the alarm switches that blows the fuse - usually the indicators. Make sure there are no shorts in the indicator system and if a new fit, make sure the alarm PINK wire(s) is/are not connected to the negative side of one, or both of the m/c indicators.
Spares and Accessories
Acumen can supply a range of spares & accessories to enhance the features of the SCOOTER system:
1.Spare and replacement remote fobs and batteries.
2.The key fob can be
NOTE The Acumen SCOOTER cannot ‘know’ both types of fob at the same time. If it ‘knows’ the standard fob, it cannot ‘know’ a flip fob at the same time. It can ‘know’ 2 x standard fobs at the same time, or 2 x flip fobs at the same time, but not 1 of each.
3.Different coloured System LED’s to match your scooter (Green, Red, White, Blue, Yellow)
4.Acumax 900 Intelligent ‘float’ battery charger
5.Extra, external sirens. (If your SCOOTER system is ‘buried’ in the scooter, the audible warning may not be as loud as you would like. This extra siren will allow you to position it where the sound can get out.)
The SCOOTER can be further upgraded;
Upon request, Acumen will supply you, free of charge, with a protecting ‘clamshell’ to prevent easy disconnecting of the alarm system. The clamshell will prevent easy unplugging of the
Please request Acumen part number
The SCOOTER also has the ability to be connected to the following optional components;
1.Starter immobilisation kit (Acumen part number 10113)
2.Acumen AlarmMate pager (Acumen part number 10114)
General Security Precautions.
While the Acumen SCOOTER provides state of the art electronic security and protection, it will not, by itself, ensure your scooter will not be stolen. We recommend you undertake basic security precautions such as;
Parking in a locked garage if possible,
Parking in well lit areas if a garage is not applicable,
Using a bike cover where appropriate,
Using a chain or shackle and ground anchor.
Warranty terms and Conditions
Full details are given in the Terms and Conditions document.