ductive harm). (California Health & Safety code § 25249.5, et seq.)
2.Only use with accessories rated to handle the forces exerted by this tool during operation. Accessories not designed for the forces gener- ated may break and forcefully launch pieces.
3.Attach all accessories properly to the tool before connecting the air sup- ply. A loose accessory may detach or break during operation.
4.Obey the manual for the air compres- sor used to power this tool.
5.Install an
6.Do not lay the tool down until it has come to a complete stop. Moving parts can grab the surface and pull the tool out of your control.
Vibration Precautions
This tool vibrates during use. Re- peated or
1.Anyone using vibrating tools regu- larly or for an extended period should first be examined by a doctor and then have regular medical check- ups to ensure medical problems are not being caused or worsened from use. Pregnant women or people who have impaired blood circulation to the hand, past hand injuries, ner- vous system disorders, diabetes, or Raynaud’s Disease should not use
this tool. If you feel any medical or physical symptoms related to vibra- tion (such as tingling, numbness, and white or blue fingers), seek medical advice as soon as possible.
2.Do not smoke during use. Nico- tine reduces the blood supply to the hands and fingers, increasing the risk of
3.Wear suitable gloves to reduce the vibration effects on the user.
4.Use tools with the lowest vibration when there is a choice between dif- ferent processes.
6.Grip tool as lightly as possible (while still keeping safe control of it). Let the tool do the work.
7.To reduce vibration, maintain tool as explained in this manual. If abnormal vibration occurs, stop immediately.
SKU 97870 | For technical questions, please call | Page 7 |