Craftsman 315.26921 manual Helpful Hints, STARTING/STOPPING Router, Handle Power, To Start Switch

Page 12


7" AUwaysdamp workpbce secureUy before routing,

V" A safe operator is one who thinks ahead,

V" AUwayswear eye protection when routing,

7" Make setup adjustments carefully, Then doubb check, Measure twice and cut once,

7" Keep cutters dean and properUy sharpened,

7" Don'tbt familiarity make you carebss,

7" Study aH safety rubs and do the job safeUy,

V" Never pUaceyour hands in jeopardy,

V" Make certain damps can'tbosen while in use,

7" Test difficuUt setups on scrap -- Don'twaste Uumber.

7" PUaneach operation before you begin,

7" Provide for smoother operation by cleaning your

router frequendy, Shake router or Mow with an air jet to remove sawdust buildup,

7" Think safety by thinking ahead.


[] Grasp handles using both hands, See Figure 9.

[] To start muter: Press the switch to the 1position, See Figure 10.

[] To stop muter: Press the switch to the O position, See Figure 10.




Fig. 9




Fig. 10


Image 12
Contents OSafety Features OOperation oMaintenance Parts List CraftsmanFull ONE Year Warranty on Craftsman Professional Router Electrical Safety Personal SafetyInstructionsFailuretofollowaHinstructions Work AreaService TooJservicemustbeperformed only by qualioSymbol Name Input Spindle Lock Chip ShieldVariable Speed Vacuum AttachmentHandle Power Wrench Assembly Depth Adjusting Lockingarm Spindlelock Colletnut4inCOLLET Assembly Totighten Colletnut Depress INSTALUNG/REOVmNGCUTTERSSee Figure Cuttercollet NUT to Loosen Colletnut WrenchADJUSTmNGDEPTHOFCUT See Figures 3, 4, 5,Indicator Point Depth Adjustmentring Adjusting Speed Speed Selection Chart Cutter SizeHandle Power To Start SwitchHelpful Hints STARTING/STOPPING RouterPlacingrouteronworkpiece Feeding Too FastFeeding Too Slow Direction ExternalProper Cutting Sequence Toofast Tooslow Directioninternal GUIDE@ ÷Determining Depth of CUT Depth Ofcut WidthRouting Yourrouterisa versatiletooUandcarlbeusedforRoutinggrooves Are larger in diameter than the opening in routerGo,oE EdgingwithpilotbitsGeneral CuttersCollet TempJateGuideBushings Butt HingeTemplate DovetailTemplate BoxJoint TemplateRouter Tables Guide Bushings2524 SeenoteParts UST Craftsman Router Model NumberDomicilio, y para LE- FO YER Mc