Craftsman 315.26921 manual Domicilio, y para, LE- FO YER Mc

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Image 22
Contents OSafety Features OOperation oMaintenance Parts List CraftsmanFull ONE Year Warranty on Craftsman Professional Router InstructionsFailuretofollowaHinstructions Electrical SafetyPersonal Safety Work AreaService TooJservicemustbeperformed only by qualioSymbol Name Input Variable Speed Spindle LockChip Shield Vacuum AttachmentAssembly Depth Adjusting Lockingarm Spindlelock Colletnut Handle Power Wrench4inCOLLET See Figure Assembly Totighten Colletnut DepressINSTALUNG/REOVmNGCUTTERS Cuttercollet NUT to Loosen Colletnut WrenchADJUSTmNGDEPTHOFCUT See Figures 3, 4, 5,Indicator Point Depth Adjustmentring Adjusting Speed Speed Selection Chart Cutter SizeHelpful Hints Handle PowerTo Start Switch STARTING/STOPPING RouterPlacingrouteronworkpiece Feeding Too FastDirection External Feeding Too SlowProper Cutting Sequence Toofast Tooslow Determining Depth of CUT DirectioninternalGUIDE@ ÷ Depth Ofcut WidthRoutinggrooves RoutingYourrouterisa versatiletooUandcarlbeusedfor Are larger in diameter than the opening in routerGo,oE EdgingwithpilotbitsCutters GeneralCollet Router Tables TempJateGuideBushings Butt HingeTemplate DovetailTemplateBoxJoint Template Guide Bushings2524 SeenoteParts UST Craftsman Router Model NumberDomicilio, y para LE- FO YER Mc