ROUTINGWITHGUIDEBUSHINGS WhenusingtheTempUateGuideBushingsItemNo.9- 25082withyourrouter,youmustvisuallycenterthe bitwiththebushingbeforebeginningyourcut.Your routersubbasemaybeadjustedbyboseningthe screwshoUdingthesubbasetoyourrouter.Besureto tightenbcHngarmbeforecenteringbitin bushing. Aftercenteringbitwithbushing,tightenscrews secureUy.
See Figure 18.
Whenever the workpiece thickness together with the desired depth of cut (as adjusted by router depth setting) are such that only the top part of the edge is to be shaped (leaving at bast a 1/16 inch thick uncut portion at bottom), the pilot can ride against the uncut portion, which wiii serve to guide it. See Figure /8. However, if the workpiece is too thin or the bit set too low so that there will be no uncut edge to ride the pilot against, an extra board to act as a guide must be placed under the workpiece. This "guide" board must have exactly the same contour
--as the workpiece edge. If it is positioned so that its edge is flush with the workpiece edge, the bit will make a fuji cut (in as far as the bit radius). On the
other hand, if the guide is positioned as shown in Figure 18 (out from the workpiece edge), the bit will make less than a full cut
NOTE: Any of the piloted bits can be used without a pilot for edge shaping with guides, as preceding. The size (diameter) of the pilot that is used determines the maximum cut width that can be made with the pilot against the workpiece edge - the small pilot exposes
all of the bitl the large one reduces this amount by 1/16 inch.
Fig. 18