Loading Abrasives
Step 1: Check to insure the abrasives are dry and clean so that they do not clog the unit.
Step 2: Close the AIR SUPPLY VALVE (#18) by turning it to the horizontal position.
Always wear your hood, dust mask, and
Step 3: Open the NOZZLE SHUT OFF VALVE (#18C) by turning it to the vertical position.
Step 4: Make sure the PRESSURE GAUGE (#15) reads “0”.
Step 5: Remove the TANK CAP (#12).
Step 6: Using the FUNNEL (#29), pour the selected abrasive medium into the TANK (#1). Do not fill more than 3/4 of the TANK. If humidity in your region is 90% or more,
only fill the tank 1/2 way, and check the WATER TRAP (#17) more frequently.
Step 7: Close the TANK CAP.
Step 8: Close the NOZZLE SHUT OFF VALVE and open the AIR SUPPLY VALVE.
Step 9: Check for leaks at the TANK CAP as pressurization begins.
Step 10: Open the NOZZLE SHUT OFF VALVE to begin blasting.