Performance problems often can be corrected by the user. Please completely read this chart for possible solutions to common problems.
The battery is connected and | The charger is not in | Press DISPLAY MODE |
the charger is on, but it isn't | charging mode. | button until Battery % or |
charging. |
| Voltage light comes on. |
Indicator lights are lit in an | A button may have been | Make sure nothing is |
erratic manner not explained | pressed when the charger | touching the control panel, |
in the “Using Your Battery | was plugged in. | then unplug the unit and |
Charger” section. |
| plug it in again. |
| The charger may be | Return to place of purchase |
| defective. | for replacement. |
All the lights are flashing. | Charger in abort mode. | See “USING YOUR |
| Battery may be bad. | BATTERY CHARGER.” |
The CHECK (red) light | This will happen if the | Reset the charger by un- |
always flashes before the | battery did not reach full | plugging it or briefly discon- |
battery is completely | charge within 24 hours. May | necting the negative battery |
charged. | be due to a very large | clip. Select the desired |
| battery or a bank of batteries | charge rate and battery type |
| requiring more power than | again, if necessary. |
| the charger can deliver in |
| 24 hours. Battery may also |
| be faulty. |
The green CHARGED light | The battery may be fully | If the battery is in a vehicle, |
turns on a few minutes after | charged or recently charged, | turn the headlights on for a |
connecting to the battery. | leaving the battery voltage | few minutes to reduce the |
| high enough to appear to be | battery voltage and try |
| fully charged. | charging again. Also try a |
| lower CHARGE RATE |
| selection. |
The charger is making an | The charger has a relay that | No problem, this is a normal |
audible clicking sound. | turns the current on and off | condition. |
| to the battery. |
The fan turns on and off | The fan is turned on and | No problem, this is a normal |
unexpectedly. | off as determined by the | condition. |
| software and temperature. |
The measured current is | The charger reached the | No problem, this is a normal |
much lower than what | maximum voltage and is | condition. |
was selected. | reducing the current. |
| The charger detected an | Make sure the charger does |
| not have the side ventilation | |
| and has reduced the current | holes blocked. Move charger |
| to allow the unit to cool. | out of the sun and into the |
| shade. |
The charger was unplugged | The battery is supplying the | Disconnect the battery or |
from the wall but the display | power to the display. | press CHARGE RATE or |
is still on. |
| BATTERY TYPE switch. |