Trouble Shooting
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
The images are blurry | The camera moves | Hold the camera steady or |
| when you press the | use a tripod when taking |
| shutter release button. | pictures |
| The focus brackets are | Position the focus brackets |
| not positioned on the | on your subject |
| subject |
| Use macro mode to | Set the camera to shoot in |
| shoot subjects within | normal focus or macro |
| normal focus, or vice | focus and then take the |
| versa | picture again |
| The light is low and the | Use a tripod, open up the |
| flash is off | aperture, and turn on the |
| flash |
| The lens is dirty | Clean the lens |
The images are too | The flash is on when the | Turn off the flash |
bright | subject is bright enough |
| Too close to the subject | Move back from the sub- |
| when taking pictures | ject and take the picture |
| with the flash on | again |
| Light sources other than | Avoid pointing the camera |
| the flash provide too | to bright light sources and |
| much light | use exposure compensa- |
| tion |
The images are too | The flash is off | Turn on the flash |
dark | The subject is in dark | Turn on the flash |