Extension Cords
LZ Yd cdi gZXdbbZcY jh^c\ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY l^i] i]^h bVX]^cZ# >[ ndj bjhi jhZ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY!dcanjhZ^i^[VWhdajiZancZXZhhVgnVcYdcan dcViZbedgVgnWVh^h#
:miZch^dc XdgYh XVjhZ kdaiV\Z Ygde! l]^X] bVn YVbV\ZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcihVcYh]dgiZcbdidg a^[Z#KdaiV\ZYgde^cXgZVhZhVhi]ZZmiZch^dcXdgY h^oZ\Zihadc\ZgVcYi]Z\Vj\Zh^oZ\ZihhbVaaZg ]^\]Zg\Vj\ZcjbWZgh^cY^XViZhbVaaZgh^oZh#
6cnZmiZch^dcXdgYjhZYl^i]i]^hbVX]^cZbjhi XdciV^c V \gdjcY l^gZ! bViX] i]Z gZfj^gZY eaj\ VcY gZXZeiVXaZ! VcY bZZi i]Z [daadl^c\ gZfj^gZ" bZcih/
Minimum Gauge Size | 14 AWG |
Maximum Length (Shorter is Better) | 50 ft. |
Voltage Conversion
I]Z kdaiV\Z XdckZgh^dc BJHI WZ eZg[dgbZY Wn VcZaZXig^X^VcdgVfjVa^[^ZYhZgk^XZeZghdccZa#I]Z kdaiV\ZXdckZgh^dc^hVildhiZeegdXZhh^ckdak^c\ gZl^g^c\i]Zbdidg[dgi]ZcZlkdaiV\ZVcY^chiVaa" ^c\ V cZl eaj\ VXXdgY^c\ id i]Z bVcj[VXijgZgh ^chigjXi^dch#
Note: If the diagram included on the motor con- flicts with the one in this manual, the motor may have changed since the manual was printed. If this is the case, use the diagram provided inside the motor wiring junction box instead of the one provided in this manual.
Items Needed: | Qty |
L^gZCji&)6L<############################################# & :aZXig^XVaIVeZ################################### 6hCZZYZY CZbV+"&*Eaj\################################################# &
To convert the machine to 220V:
1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G
2. GZbdkZi]Z*"&*eaj\[gdbi]ZXdgY#
3. GZbdkZ i]Z ild l^gZ cjih [gdb i]Z l^gZh h]dlc^cFigure 4#
Figure 4.BdidgegZ"l^gZY[dg&&%K#
4. GZ"l^gZi]ZbdidgVhh]dlc^cFigure4#
Motor Rewired for 220V
Figure 5.BdidggZl^gZY[dg''%K#
5. I^\]iZc Vaa l^gZ cjih VcY hZXjgZ i]Zb l^i] ZaZXig^XVa iVeZ hd i]Zn XVccdi k^WgViZ addhZ Yjg^c\bdidgdeZgVi^dc#
6. >chiVaa i]Z +"&* eaj\ dc i]Z edlZg XdgY eZg i]Zeaj\bVcj[VXijgZgh^chigjXi^dch#