Grizzly G0555LANV owner manual Extension Cords, Voltage Conversion

Page 24

Extension Cords

LZ Yd cdi gZXdbbZcY jh^c\ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY l^i] i]^h bVX]^cZ# >[ ndj bjhi jhZ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY!dcanjhZ^i^[VWhdajiZancZXZhhVgnVcYdcan dcViZbedgVgnWVh^h#

:miZch^dc XdgYh XVjhZ kdaiV\Z Ygde! l]^X] bVn YVbV\ZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcihVcYh]dgiZcbdidg a^[Z#KdaiV\ZYgde^cXgZVhZhVhi]ZZmiZch^dcXdgY h^oZ\Zihadc\ZgVcYi]Z\Vj\Zh^oZ\ZihhbVaaZg ]^\]Zg\Vj\ZcjbWZgh^cY^XViZhbVaaZgh^oZh#

6cnZmiZch^dcXdgYjhZYl^i]i]^hbVX]^cZbjhi XdciV^c V \gdjcY l^gZ! bViX] i]Z gZfj^gZY eaj\ VcY gZXZeiVXaZ! VcY bZZi i]Z [daadl^c\ gZfj^gZ" bZcih/

Minimum Gauge Size

14 AWG

Maximum Length (Shorter is Better)

50 ft.

Voltage Conversion

I]Z kdaiV\Z XdckZgh^dc BJHI WZ eZg[dgbZY Wn VcZaZXig^X^VcdgVfjVa^[^ZYhZgk^XZeZghdccZa#I]Z kdaiV\ZXdckZgh^dc^hVildhiZeegdXZhh^ckdak^c\ gZl^g^c\i]Zbdidg[dgi]ZcZlkdaiV\ZVcY^chiVaa" ^c\ V cZl eaj\ VXXdgY^c\ id i]Z bVcj[VXijgZgh ^chigjXi^dch#

Note: If the diagram included on the motor con- flicts with the one in this manual, the motor may have changed since the manual was printed. If this is the case, use the diagram provided inside the motor wiring junction box instead of the one provided in this manual.

Items Needed:


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To convert the machine to 220V:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. GZbdkZi]Z*"&*eaj\[gdbi]ZXdgY#

3. GZbdkZ i]Z ild l^gZ cjih [gdb i]Z l^gZh h]dlc^cFigure 4#

Motor Pre-wired for 110V




Figure 4.BdidgegZ"l^gZY[dg&&%K#

4. GZ"l^gZi]ZbdidgVhh]dlc^cFigure4#

Motor Rewired for 220V


Figure 5.BdidggZl^gZY[dg''%K#

5. I^\]iZc Vaa l^gZ cjih VcY hZXjgZ i]Zb l^i] ZaZXig^XVa iVeZ hd i]Zn XVccdi k^WgViZ addhZ Yjg^c\bdidgdeZgVi^dc#

6. >chiVaa i]Z +"&* eaj\ dc i]Z edlZg XdgY eZg i]Zeaj\bVcj[VXijgZgh^chigjXi^dch#


Image 24
Contents Read this First Model G0555LANV G0555LANV Deluxe BANDSAW, Anniversary Edition Main Specifications Operation Information Features Main Parts Main Parts List Flat Washer #10 Table, Fence, & Stand Parts Table, Fence, & Stand Parts List Labels & Cosmetics Model G0555LX Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual Accuracy Contact InfoMachine Description Identification %***AM YZciXVidc#Heec\9bZchdch 8Vgidc 8jiic\8VeVXiZh Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryAMB\#HcXZ%&$& Additional Safety for Bandsaws Power Supply AvailabilityFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationGrounding Requirements Shock HazardExtension Cords Voltage ConversionSET UP Set Up Safety Needed for SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Inventory see Figure QtyCleanup Before cleaning, gather the following ™ 9hedhVWaZGV\hBasic steps for removing rust preventative Site Considerations Assembly HiVcYddichiVaaZY&d#IgjccdcchiVaaZY# IVWaZ IVWaZIgjccdc Igjccdc7VhZ Igjccdc7dai Adjustment Overview Adjustment procedures includeBlade Tracking Proper TrackingTo center track the blade Thorough version of the following steps to Power Connection Connecting PowerDisconnecting Power Dust CollectionTest Run Tensioning BladeTo test run the machine Flutter Method Deflection MethodTo tension the bandsaw blade Adjusting Blade Support Bearings To adjust the support bearingsTool NeededQty Adjusting Blade Guide Bearings To adjust the upper and lower blade guidesTable Tilt Calibration Tools NeededQtyTo set the positive stop so the table is 90˚ to the blade YZhXgWZYcTensioning Blade dcPage 23#Aligning Table To align the table miter slot parallel to the bladeAligning Fence Tools Needed QtyTo align the fence parallel with the miter slot Operations Operation OverviewDisabling & Locking Switch Straight CutsIrregular Cuts Basic Cutting TipsTo adjust the height of the guide post Workpiece InspectionGuide Post Before cutting, inspect all workpieces for the followingTable Tilt Blade Speed To tilt the tableTo change the blade speed Blade Dimensions Blade InformationBlade Length Blade WidthTooth Style Tooth PitchBlade Care Blade BreakageChanging Blade Most common causes of blade breakage areRipping Trackingdc Page 19#To make a rip cut CrosscuttingResawing To make a crosscutCutting Curves Stacked Cuts To complete a stacked cutAccessories Grizzly Bandsaw BladesT20388-Success With Bandsaws T25555-6 Extension Block KitTimberwolf 931⁄2 Bandsaw Blades H7587-Re-Saw Fence Retrofit KitBasic Eye Protection T23376-Universal Mobile BaseG8984-Single Roller Stand G8985-5 Roller Stand Maintenance CleaningSchedule LubricatingService TroubleshootingMotor & Electrical Cutting Operations MiscellaneousBelt Tension Tensioning V-BeltChecking V-Belt Tension To properly tension the V-beltReplacing V-Belt Shimming TableTo replace the V-belt  #Wheel Alignment Checking Wheel AlignmentUpper Wheel Lateral Adjustment To adjust the upper wheel laterallyShimming a Wheel To shim a wheelBlade Lead To correct blade leadFence Scale Calibration To skew your fenceTo shift the table To calibrate the scaleTo reset the blade tensioner Blade TensionerWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsWIRE/COMPONENT DAMAGE.  9VbV\ZY  lgZh  Electrical Locations %***AMDC$DhliX# HliX Bdidg110V Prewired Wiring Diagram 220V Rewired Wiring Diagram Parts MainMain Parts List DescriptionPW04M Flat Washer 10MM Table, Fence, & Stand Table, Fence & Guides Parts List Female Knob 3/8-16Labels Warranty Card 10. 8dbbZcih$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY