Grizzly G0555LANV Workpiece Inspection, Guide Post, To adjust the height of the guide post

Page 45



HdbZ ldg`e^ZXZh VgZ cdi hV[Z id Xji dg bVn gZfj^gZ bdY^[^XVi^dc WZ[dgZ i]Zn VgZ hV[Z id Xji#

Before cutting, inspect all workpieces for the following:

™ Material Type:I]^hbVX]^cZ^h^ciZcYZY[dg Xjii^c\ cVijgVa VcY bVc"bVYZ lddY egdY" jXih! aVb^cViZ XdkZgZY lddY egdYjXih! VcY hdbZ eaVhi^Xh# 8jii^c\ YgnlVaa dg XZbZci^" i^djh WVX`Zg WdVgY XgZViZh ZmigZbZan [^cZ YjhiVcYbVngZYjXZi]Za^[Zd[i]ZWZVg^c\h# I]^hbVX]^cZ^hCDIYZh^\cZYidXjibZiVa! \aVhh!hidcZ!i^aZ!ZiX#0Xjii^c\i]ZhZbViZg^Vah l^i]VWVcYhVlbVnaZVYid^c_jgn#

™ Foreign Objects: CV^ah! hiVeaZh! Y^gi! gdX`h VcY di]Zg [dgZ^\c dW_ZXih VgZ d[iZc ZbWZY" YZY^clddY#L]^aZXjii^c\!i]ZhZdW_ZXihXVc WZXdbZ Y^hadY\ZY VcY ]^i i]Z deZgVidg VcY W^cYdgWgZV`i]ZWaVYZ!l]^X]b^\]ii]Zc[an VeVgi#6alVnhk^hjVaan^cheZXindjgldg`e^ZXZ [dgi]ZhZ^iZbh#>[i]ZnXVciWZgZbdkZY!9D CDIXjii]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

ssLarge/Loose Knots: AddhZ `cdih XVc WZXdbZ Y^hadY\ZY Yjg^c\ i]Z Xjii^c\ deZgV" i^dc#AVg\Z`cdihXVcWgZV`WaVYZiZZi]VcY XVjhZbVX]^cZYVbV\Z#8]ddhZldg`e^ZXZh i]Vi Yd cdi ]VkZ aVg\Z$addhZ `cdih dg eaVc V]ZVYidVkd^YXjii^c\i]gdj\]i]Zb#

ssWet or "Green" Stock:8jii^c\lddYl^i]V bd^hijgZXdciZcidkZg'%XVjhZhjccZXZh" hVgnlZVgdci]ZWaVYZh!^cXgZVhZhi]Zg^h`d[ `^X`WVX`!VcYn^ZaYheddggZhjaih#

™ Excessive Warping:Ldg`e^ZXZhl^i]ZmXZh" h^kZXjee^c\!Wdl^c\!dgil^hi^c\VgZYVc\Zg" djh id Xji WZXVjhZ i]Zn VgZ jchiVWaZ VcY d[iZcjcegZY^XiVWaZl]ZcWZ^c\Xji#9DCDI jhZldg`e^ZXZhl^i]i]ZhZX]VgVXiZg^hi^Xh

™ Minor Warping:Ldg`e^ZXZhl^i]ha^\]iXje" e^c\ XVc WZ hV[Zan hjeedgiZY ^[ i]Z XjeeZY h^YZ ^h [VX^c\ i]Z iVWaZ dg i]Z [ZcXZ# 6 ldg`e^ZXZ hjeedgiZY dc i]Z WdlZY h^YZ bVn bdkZ jcZmeZXiZYan gZhjai^c\ ^c hZkZgZ ^c_jgn#


Guide Post

I]Z \j^YZ edhi! h]dlc ^c Figure 43! Vaadlh i]Z jeeZgWaVYZ\j^YZVhhZbWanidWZfj^X`anVY_jhi" ZY [dg ]Z^\]i# L]Zc Xjii^c\! i]Z WaVYZ \j^YZh bjhiValVnhWZedh^i^dcZYhdi]Zn_jhiXaZVgcd bdgZi]Vc&¿)i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#



<j^YZEdhi 8dcigda @cdW

<j^YZEdhi AdX`@cdW

Figure 43.<j^YZedhiVcYadX``cdW#

To adjust the height of the guide post:

1. BV`ZhjgZi]Zbdidg^hD;;#

2. AddhZci]Z\j^YZedhiadX``cdW#

3.Jh^c\i]Z\j^YZedhiXdcigda`cdW!VY_jhii]Z ]Z^\]i d[ i]Z \j^YZ edhi hd i]Vi i]Z WaVYZ \j^YZVhhZbWan_jhiXaZVghcdbdgZi]Vc&¿) i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

4. GZ"i^\]iZc i]Z adX` `cdW id hZXjgZ i]Z hZii^c\#


Image 45
Contents Read this First Model G0555LANV G0555LANV Deluxe BANDSAW, Anniversary Edition Main Specifications Operation Information Features Main Parts Main Parts List Flat Washer #10 Table, Fence, & Stand Parts Table, Fence, & Stand Parts List Labels & Cosmetics Model G0555LX Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual Accuracy Contact InfoMachine Description %***AM YZciXVidc# IdentificationHeec\9bZchdch 8Vgidc 8jiic\8VeVXiZh Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyAMB\#HcXZ%&$& Additional Safety for Bandsaws Availability Power SupplyFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationShock Hazard Grounding RequirementsVoltage Conversion Extension CordsSet Up Safety Needed for Setup SET UPUnpacking Description QtyInventory see Figure Qty InventoryCleanup Before cleaning, gather the following ™ 9hedhVWaZGV\hBasic steps for removing rust preventative Site Considerations HiVcYddichiVaaZY&d# AssemblyIgjccdcchiVaaZY# IVWaZ IVWaZIgjccdc Igjccdc7VhZ Igjccdc7dai Adjustment procedures include Adjustment OverviewProper Tracking Blade TrackingThorough version of the following steps to To center track the bladeConnecting Power  Power ConnectionDisconnecting Power Dust CollectionTest Run Tensioning BladeTo test run the machine Flutter Method Deflection MethodTo tension the bandsaw blade Adjusting Blade Support Bearings To adjust the support bearingsTool NeededQty To adjust the upper and lower blade guides Adjusting Blade Guide BearingsTools NeededQty Table Tilt CalibrationTo set the positive stop so the table is 90˚ to the blade YZhXgWZYcTensioning Blade dcPage 23#To align the table miter slot parallel to the blade Aligning TableAligning Fence Tools Needed QtyTo align the fence parallel with the miter slot Operation Overview OperationsStraight Cuts Disabling & Locking SwitchIrregular Cuts Basic Cutting TipsWorkpiece Inspection To adjust the height of the guide postGuide Post Before cutting, inspect all workpieces for the followingTable Tilt Blade Speed To tilt the tableTo change the blade speed Blade Information Blade DimensionsBlade Length Blade WidthTooth Pitch Tooth StyleBlade Care Blade BreakageMost common causes of blade breakage are Changing BladeRipping Trackingdc Page 19#To make a rip cut To make a crosscut CrosscuttingResawingTo complete a stacked cut Cutting Curves Stacked CutsGrizzly Bandsaw Blades AccessoriesT20388-Success With Bandsaws T25555-6 Extension Block KitH7587-Re-Saw Fence Retrofit Kit Timberwolf 931⁄2 Bandsaw BladesBasic Eye Protection T23376-Universal Mobile BaseG8984-Single Roller Stand G8985-5 Roller Stand Cleaning MaintenanceSchedule LubricatingService TroubleshootingMotor & Electrical Miscellaneous Cutting OperationsTensioning V-Belt Belt TensionChecking V-Belt Tension To properly tension the V-beltShimming Table Replacing V-BeltTo replace the V-belt  #Checking Wheel Alignment Wheel AlignmentTo adjust the upper wheel laterally Upper Wheel Lateral AdjustmentShimming a Wheel To shim a wheelTo correct blade lead Blade LeadTo skew your fence Fence Scale CalibrationTo shift the table To calibrate the scaleBlade Tensioner To reset the blade tensionerWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsWIRE/COMPONENT DAMAGE.  9VbV\ZY  lgZh  %***AMDC$DhliX# HliX Bdidg Electrical Locations110V Prewired Wiring Diagram 220V Rewired Wiring Diagram Main PartsDescription Main Parts ListPW04M Flat Washer 10MM Table, Fence, & Stand Female Knob 3/8-16 Table, Fence & Guides Parts ListLabels 10. 8dbbZcih Warranty Card$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY