Fisher-Price G6512 owner manual Full Screen Erase, Watch and listen as your draw- ing disappears

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Full Screen Erase

Touch to choose an animated full screen erase with cool sound effects.

Touch the screen with the stylus to choose the effect.

Watch and listen as your draw- ing disappears.

Hint: After using the full screen erase, you’re still in the same activity using the same tool.


Image 53 Fisher-Price G6512 owner manual Full Screen Erase, Watch and listen as your draw- ing disappears
Contents Model NumberG6512 Page Software Cartridge Software Port Let’s GoChoose a Destination North and South America Europe and Africa Asia and Australia Page Page Each city will look different Suitcase Take a Photo Go to a New CityPhoto Album Save It on the tool menu with the stylus Passport Athens Washington, D.CPuzzle Pieces Outline Travel GamesPage Page City Scene Excellent the city scene is complete World maps New YorkTouch Building Piece Skyscraper GameColored Bases Page Watch the piece fall in the correct position Now, a new piece falls Take a Go to a Suitcase Photo Rio De JanieroChoose a color by number. Touch the screen with the stylus Color by NumberPage Take a Go to a ParisColor by Number Page London Subway Car Next Stop London UndergroundOops, you’ll have to find another route You made it Egypt, you can see ancient pyramids and the Great Sphinx CairoObject of the Game Unearth an ancient ruin Archaeological DigTake a Photo Go to a Suitcase New City DelhiObject of the Game Can you find the tigers? Tiger HuntTake a Photo BeijingStart Point Great Wall MazeEnd Point Hint There is no time limit You found your way out Sydney Color by Number Page PencilTool Tool MenuStraight Line Shape Maker Touch for stamper art Stamp ItPage What’s on the screen Magic Wand EraserIs gone Watch and listen as your draw- ing disappears Full Screen EraseSpecial Effects Selector Page Touch With the stylus Hints Save It! and Adjust ContrastHome Mark on Screen Tip of Stylus Calibrating the StylusCalibration Hole Care One 1 Year Limited Warranty Questions? We’d like to hear from you Consumer InformationG6512pr-0920