Nintendo 45496902995 Hit Block from Below, Double Jump/Triple Jump, Lift and Throw, Ground Pound

Page 8







Hit Block from Below


Jump while standing beneath blocks to hit (and sometimes break) them. Hitting


blocks from below allows you to attack any enemies standing on them.






Double Jump/Triple Jump

Dash + , then when landing

Jump while dashing, then press again just as Mario touches down to perform a

Lift and Throw

+ shake the Wii Remote

You can lift up barrels and certain types of blocks by touching them and holding down while shaking the Wii Remote. Release to throw them.

For Nunchuk controls, see page 6.

New Super Mario Bros

. Wii

double jump or even higher triple jump.













Ground Pound

Down on while in the air

Press down on while in the air to perform a ground pound.





















Down on on slopes

You can lift and throw some types of blocks.

You can cooperate with other characters by lifting them up during a course (see page 19).

. Wii Mario’s Actions

Press down on to slide down slopes—you’ll plow through most enemies you slide into.

Wall Jump

While sliding:


While sliding down a wall, press

in the


direction of the wall, then press

to kick off


the wall and jump upward.



Grab and Throw

Hit shelled enemies to make them hide inside their shells. Then you can pick them up by contacting them while pressing . Release to throw the shell.



Left or right on +

In the water, press and hold left or right on , then press to swim.

Move a Tilt Lift

Tilt the Wii Remote

When you get on a lift like the one shown below, an icon will appear. When you tilt the Wii Remote, the lift will tilt. When you are playing in a group, whoever jumps on the lift first will operate it. A character icon will indicate who can control the lift.

For Nunchuk controls, see page 6.




Yellow Toad

Blue Toad





Climb and Hit Fences

/ while climbing the fence

Press up on to grab on to a fence. Then press up, down, left, or right on to move, and press to hit the fence and attack enemies on the other side. Press to let go. Press on flip panels to spin them and move to the other side.


Image 8 Nintendo 45496902995 Hit Block from Below, Double Jump/Triple Jump, Lift and Throw, Ground Pound, Slide, Wall Jump, Swim
Contents SUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM Warranty & Service Information Contents Wii Remote horizontal How to Play with a Nunchuk ControllerControls Items Game ScreenMap Screen Menu SaveMidway Points and Goals Blunders and Game OverMario’s Actions Pause MenuSuper Guide Mario’s MovesHit Block from Below Double Jump/Triple JumpLift and Throw Ground PoundPropeller Mario Ice MarioPenguin Mario Mini MarioMultiplayer Game Select the Number of PlayersGame Screen Blunders and Revival Enter a BubbleCoin Battle Free-for-All and Coin BattleFree-for-All Words Renseignements SUR L’ENTRETIEN ET LA Garantie REV-R Avertissement Danger d’attaqueCommencer une partie Écran de sélection d’un fichierManette Wii Remote à l’horizontale CommandesCommandes du style Nunchuk Écran du jeu Écran de la carteObjets Icône ToadSauvegarder Écran de sélection du mondeDrapeau de mi-chemin Pertes de vie et fin de la partieMenu pause Commandes des actionsActions de Mario Glisser Saut de mur à murPrendre et lancer Soulever et lancerMario pingouin Mario hélicoMario de glace Mode multijoueur Écran de jeuRetour au jeu après une perte de vie ’enfermer dans une bullePagaille et Chasse aux pièces CoopérationPagaille Chasse aux piècesÉtoile Advertencia Ataques Atención Enfermedad de movimientoComenzar una partida Pantalla de selección de datosModo Conquista y Cazamonedas GuardarCómo usar el control Nunchuk ControlesControl Wii Remote horizontal Objetos Pantalla del juegoPantalla del mapa Guardar El punto medio y la metaPerder vidas y el fin del juego La pantalla de selección de mundoAcciones de Mario Menú de pausaSuperguía Movimientos de MarioSalto doble o triple Salto fuerteDeslizar Rebotar de la paredMario aviador Mario de hieloLanzar bolas de hielo Mario pingüinoJuego de multijugador Cazamonedas Juego cooperativoModo Conquista Estrella