SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs
Sony Computer Entertainment America
yOnline Mission Types (cont'd)
Extraction: This is a hostage situation. SEALs win by killing all terrorists or escorting at least two hostages to the extraction point. Terrorists win by killing the SEALs. If the terrorists murder a hostage, it counts as a rescued hostage for the SEALs.
Control: This is all about territory and taking control of it. In order to do so, you must be the first team to plant a beacon at each of the control points across the environment. Once a beacon has been planted, it can't be taken away by the enemy, but they also can plant a beacon at each control point. The team that is able to place beacons at all of the control points first, wins.
Convoy: One team must guide a convoy across enemy territory and through a series of checkpoints to a
yFinding a Game
1.Start your search by selecting a Universe on the Select Universe screen that appears as soon as you connect.
2.Connect and select ACCEPT on the User Agreement
screen to enter the SOCOM 3 Online Screen. From this screen, you have three options for finding a game.
Join manually
(Browse through Briefing Rooms and games)
1.Select BRIEFING and make a room selection.
2.Scroll through the games to select the one you want to join
Use Input Filters to Set Game Preferences (Not available in the Multiplayer Beta)
1.Select BRIEFING and then choose FILTERS.
2.On the Filters Menu, select and change each Input Filter parameter to the game description you want and select RETURN when finished. You'll have the options to save these settings to a memory card.
3.Select BRIEFING and scroll through the games list based on your filtering preferences. If the maximum 32 players are already in the game, select a different game.
Select Autoplay
1.Select AUTOPLAY and configure a game to your specific parameters.
2.Cycle through your preferences and then select SEARCH FOR GAMES to find ones based on your parameters.