SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Note: If you have already created a valid network configuration using the PlayStation®2 Network Adaptor
Before you can play SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs
Public Beta Version online, you must have a valid network configuration saved to a memory card (8MB) (PlayStation®2). If you have already created and saved a network configuration using the PlayStation®2 Network Adaptor
If not, you can use the Network Configuration application on your SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs Public Beta Version disc.
Note: For more detailed information on creating a Network Configuration, see the PlayStation®2 Network Adaptor
To Create a Network Configuration using the application on the SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs Public Beta Version, have your Internet Settings ready for reference and follow the steps below:
1.Make sure a memory card (8MB) (PlayStation®2) is inserted into a MEMORY CARD slot on your PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system.
2.On the Title Screen Menu, select ACCOUNT SETUP. The LOGIN TO SOCOM 3 ONLINE Screen will appear and the cursor will default to the Edit Network Configurations button. Press Xto launch the Network Configuration application.
3.Select ADD SETTING and select MEMORY CARD slot 1 or 2.
•Press the directional button !/ @to highlight a menu option and #to accept settings and advance to the next screen.
•If you change your mind about a setting, press the directional button $to return to the previous screen or Cto return to the Network Configuration main menu.
4.Select Hardware. Select SCE/ETHERNET (NETWORK ADAPTOR). If you are using a different type of network adaptor, please consult its manual.
•Press the Tbutton to open the Advanced Settings Menu if necessary. It is highly recommended you leave this setting to AUTO DETECT unless you are sure of a different setting.
5.Select OK at the Prompt and proceed with entering settings. Are a User ID and password required to connect to
the internet through your ISP (Internet Service Provider)? Select REQUIRED or NOT REQUIRED. If required, enter the User ID and password. Note: Some ISPs require a username and password for