This document is a guide to the Chassis Manager
Intended Audience
The intended audience is the administrator responsible for installing, configuring, and managing your equipment. This administrator should have experience administering similar networking or storage equipment.
Typographical Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this manual to provide visual clues as to the purpose or application of specific text.
•Bold text indicates a command or keyword, or text that appears in your display.
•Italics indicate variables that you replace with an actual value.
•Square brackets ([,]) indicate an optional argument that you choose to include or exclude when you enter a command.
•Pipe character () indicates an “or” choice. For example, “a b” indicates “a or b.”
•Ellipses (…) indicate truncated text. You will see these in long examples depicting terminal output that is too long to be shown in its entirety.
NOTE: Indicates an important point or aspect that you need to consider before continuing.