ancestor An attribute that names a previous version of a fileset. This is used to match filesets on a target system. If the match_target option is set to true,
and relationship The default relationship for specifying one or more dependency attributes (corequisites or prerequisites) where all dependencies must be satisfied.
architecture An attribute that represents the operating system platform on which the product runs. (e.g., IA/PA)
attribute Information that describes a software elements characteristics. Attributes are an essential part of the product specification file (PSF), providing such information as a product's name, title and description.
bundle A collection of references to filesets and/or products grouped for a specific purpose. By specifying a bundle, all products or filesets referenced in that bundle are automatically included in the operation.
category The type of software being packaged.
checkinstall script An optional script associated with a product or fileset that is executed by swinstall during the analysis phase. The result returned by the script determines if the fileset can be installed or updated.
checkremove script An optional script associated with a fileset that is executed during the swremove analysis phase. The result returned by the script determines if the fileset can be removed.
command line interface (CLI) The set of commands that can be executed directly from the operating system's command shell.
configure script An optional script associated with a fileset and automatically executed by swinstall (or manually executed by swconfig) after the installation of filesets is complete.
container A software element that physically stores the elements it contains.
control script An optional script packaged with software or added to software by modifying the IPD. Control scripts are run during swconfig, swinstall, swremove, or swverify operations. Control scripts may include: configure or unconfigure for swconfig; checkinstall, preinstall, postinstall and configure scripts for swinstall; the checkremove, unconfigure, preremove, and postremove scripts for swremove; and the fix or verify script for swverify.
copyright An attribute that defines the copyright for the destination depot (media) being created/modified by swpackage. It refers to the copyright information for the software product.
corequisites A dependency in which a fileset requires that another fileset be installed and configured at the same time. For example, if fileset A requires that fileset B is installed at the same time, fileset B is a corequisites.
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