b)Click the container which contains the proxy user, usually it is "Users", choose "Delegate Control..." from the Action menu.
c)The Delgation of Control Wizard starts, click "Next".
d)A screen for you to select users and groups, click "Add” a list of users and groups are displayed, choose the proxy user from the list or type in the proxy user name, then click "Add" and "OK"(same as the above screen).
e)Back to the screen to select users and groups, click "Next".
f)You are given the screen to identify the scope of the task you want to delegate. Choose "Only the following objects in folder", check "Group objects", click "Next".
g) You are given a screen to select the permissions, choose
Read memberUid
Read msSFUPassword
Read msSFUName
then click “Next”.
h)You are given the screen which confirms your configuration, click on "finish" if everything is correct, otherwise, click "Back" to change.