If the PATH environment variable has not been updated, use:
Figure 3-1 shows the main screen of the HP-UX Bastille user interface.
Figure 3-1 HP-UX Bastille user interface
4.Answer the questions that appear on screen. The questions are categorized by function. Check marks are used as completion indicators to track your progress through the program. Only questions that apply to your operating system and relate to installed tools appear.
Each question explains a security issue and describes the resulting action needed to lock down the
Use the Explain More/Explain Less button for more or less verbose explanations. Not all questions have both long and short answers. For a complete list of questions with detailed information about each item, see Appendix C (page 33).
Table 3-1 Question modules
Question module | Description |
Patches | Installs and configures applications for security bulletin compliance checking |
FilePermissions | Performs SUID and other permission tuning |
AcountSecurity | Configures login settings and access to cron |
Secureinetd | Disables unrequired inetd services |
MiscellaneousDaemons | Turns off services that are often unrequired or a security risk |
Sendmail | Disables or configures mail security |
DNS | Disables or configures DNS security |
Apache | Configures Apache web server security |
FTP | Configures FTP security |
12 Using