30Using Veritas Enterprise Administrator Viewing objects and object properties
Click on the appropriate property column heading. To reverse the sort order, click on the column heading again.
■To resize a grid column:
Place the pointer over the line that divides the column headings, then press and hold the mouse button to drag the column divider to the desired position.
■To resize the left pane (tree) and right pane (Tabular View):
Place the pointer over the vertical splitter, then press and hold the mouse button to drag the splitter to the desired position.
Selecting objects
You can select Tabular View objects in most VEA windows using the following procedures:
■To select a single object: Click on the object.
■To select multiple objects:
Hold down the Control key while selecting the objects. The objects that you select in this way do not have to be adjacent.
■To select a range of adjacent objects:
Select the first object, then hold down the Shift key while selecting the last object in the range. You can also select multiple adjacent objects by pressing and holding the mouse button while dragging the pointer over the desired objects.
Navigational view
Navigational View supports object browsing and operations on those objects in a tree structure. The following nodes typically appear in this view:
■System nodes: representing the connected and disconnected computer systems, these are distinguished by icons.
■Network nodes: listing the systems that are currently running on the given domain.
■History nodes: listing the most recently connected servers.
■Favorite Hosts nodes: listing hosts that will be connected by default at start up.
The system objects are arranged in containers called group nodes. Group nodes can contain homogenous or heterogeneous types of objects. You can view detailed information about these objects in the Details View by selecting the object in the Navigational View.