HP Solutions for vSphere Software E-Media Kit manual Package Contents, System Requirements

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3PAR VAAI Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere 4.1 Users Guide

Block Zeroing Increases performance and efficiency by eliminating the writing of zeros as data by the host for the purpose of "cleaning" space for a VMDK. Using the WRITE-SAME command, VMware now transfers the overhead associated with these writes to the storage array by instructing the storage array to assume the burden of writing the zeros on these newly allocated blocks.

3PAR arrays then takes this WRITE SAME command a step further when the blocks associated with the VM are initialized. 3PAR's ASIC and its Thin Persistence software recognize the zeros as they are written by the WRITE SAME command thus reducing system workload.

Since 3PAR tracks which blocks on its array are zeroed out and which ones have data in them, 3PAR only needs to zero out the blocks with data in them. Blocks of data that do contain zeros are unmapped so no write penalty is incurred on the 3PAR system.

2.3 Package Contents

You can download the installation package from the following location:


2.4 System Requirements

The following components are required:

VMware ESX 4.1 or ESXi 4.1.

VMware vSphere Infrastructure Management 4.1 (vCenter, vClient).

Additionally, for package installation / deinstallation:

For ESX / ESXi

VMware Update Manager plug-in (VUM) or vSphere CLI (vCLI)


ESX Service Console


Package Contents

Image 14
Contents 3PAR Vaai Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere 4.1 User’s Guide Reader Comments and Suggestions Table of Contents Troubleshooting Introduction This chapterOverview AudienceRelated Documentation For information about… Read the…Organization Typeface Meaning Example ABCDabcd Typographical ConventionsAdvisories Advisories Overview and Features About VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration VaaiAbout 3PAR Vaai Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere Hardware Assisted Locking ATS Package Contents System RequirementsSupported 3PAR Inform OS Versions and Features 1 MU2 Yes BeyondSpecial Considerations Installation and Deinstallation Installing 3PAR Vaai Plug-in for VMware vSphereBefore You Begin Import the 3PAR Vaai Plug-in Package Click the Baselines and Groups tabClick the Update Manager tab Click Attach… From the Patches and Extensions section, click NextVar/log/vmware/esxupdate.log /var/log/vmware/esxcfg-boot.log Vicfg-hostops.pl --server servername -o enter Verifying the Installation Deinstalling 3PAR Vaai Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere Using the ESX Service Console for ESX hostEsxupdate remove -b 3PARvaaipInServ-110 --maintenancemode Deinstalling 3PAR Vaai Plug-in 1.1.0 for VMware vSphere Troubleshooting Installation Error Messages DescriptionMessage Message 3parvaai ERR Can not load 3PARvaaipInServ module Run Time Error Messages Message Message Message 3parvaaiINFO Device naa.50002ac0006500e8 3PARdataVV 3parvaaiINFO Device %s %.*s%.*s not supported Message 3parvaaiERR tpdclaimdeviceOut of memory claiming device %s 3parvaaiERR tpdclaimdeviceInquiry to device %s failed 3parvaaiERR initmoduleFailed to register vaaip plugin %s None Revision History Release level Revision summaryRH.2