output types for 62 pixel value pointers 25 pixels
output levels 78 preferences 43
Place Image command
11, 15
placing original 9 pointers 24, 25 Preferences 41
color adjustment 45 command 15 Controls tab 47 exposure adjustment
output type change 45 pixel depth 43 Resolution tab 46 scaling 43
Scanner tab 42 selection area 45 Selection Area tab 44
preview area 14, 21 enlarging 21 selecting 54
Preview command 15, 20 preview image 10, 14
returning to 57
Preview scan 10, 50 Print command 15, 20 Print Setup command 15 printer resolution 28 printing images 28, 96
Red color channel 88 reset controls
Black & White Threshold 34, 85
Color Adjustment 33 Exposure Adjustment
32, 70
Output Resolution 27,
Sharpen Level 29, 69 Reset Controls
command 18, 20 resize
image dimensions 30,
58, 60
selection area 30, 55 resolution 27, 83
adding or deleting defaults 46
preferences 46 setting 27, 83
Resolution tab in Preferences 46
RGB Meter 75 Rich Text File 101 rotating image 9
.rtf 93, 101
RTF file format 101
saturation, color 33, 80 Save As command 15, 20 Save As Whole Page
command 15, 93 Save Settings command
saving settings 39
to a file 92, 93, 100, 102 scaling 30, 60
preferences 43 Scan button on scanner
configuring 12 using 10, 50
Scan menu 15
scan using channel 87, 88 ScanJet Button Manager
HP support 3 placing original 9
scanner Scan button configuring 12 using 10, 50
Scanner tab in Preferences 42
scanning basic steps 49 starting scanning
software 10, 11
Select All command 16 selection area
adjusting 55 automatic creation 45 creating 51
move pointer 24 pointers 24 resize pointers 24 zooming 21, 56
Selection Area tab in Preferences 44
settings deleting 40 loading 40 saving 39
shadows 32, 70, 72 Sharpen Level tool 29, 68
Book Contents
➮ ➮HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 109