HP 6200C manual To a file 92, 93, 100, 102 scaling 30

Page 109


output types for 62 pixel value pointers 25 pixels

output levels 78 preferences 43

Place Image command

11, 15

placing original 9 pointers 24, 25 Preferences 41

color adjustment 45 command 15 Controls tab 47 exposure adjustment


output type change 45 pixel depth 43 Resolution tab 46 scaling 43

Scanner tab 42 selection area 45 Selection Area tab 44

preview area 14, 21 enlarging 21 selecting 54

Preview command 15, 20 preview image 10, 14

returning to 57

Preview scan 10, 50 Print command 15, 20 Print Setup command 15 printer resolution 28 printing images 28, 96


Red color channel 88 reset controls

Black & White Threshold 34, 85

Color Adjustment 33 Exposure Adjustment

32, 70

Output Resolution 27,


Sharpen Level 29, 69 Reset Controls

command 18, 20 resize

image dimensions 30,

58, 60

selection area 30, 55 resolution 27, 83

adding or deleting defaults 46

preferences 46 setting 27, 83

Resolution tab in Preferences 46

RGB Meter 75 Rich Text File 101 rotating image 9

.rtf 93, 101

RTF file format 101


saturation, color 33, 80 Save As command 15, 20 Save As Whole Page

command 15, 93 Save Settings command


saving settings 39

to a file 92, 93, 100, 102 scaling 30, 60

preferences 43 Scan button on scanner

configuring 12 using 10, 50

Scan menu 15

scan using channel 87, 88 ScanJet Button Manager




HP support 3 placing original 9

scanner Scan button configuring 12 using 10, 50

Scanner tab in Preferences 42

scanning basic steps 49 starting scanning

software 10, 11

Select All command 16 selection area

adjusting 55 automatic creation 45 creating 51

move pointer 24 pointers 24 resize pointers 24 zooming 21, 56

Selection Area tab in Preferences 44

settings deleting 40 loading 40 saving 39

shadows 32, 70, 72 Sharpen Level tool 29, 68

Book Contents

➮ ➮HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 109

Image 109
Contents HP PrecisionScan Pro Features Restricted Rights Legend Support for your new productHow to use this online document Contents Scanning text Scanner W s c a n n i n g w o r k s What can you scan?F u s e r s Place the picture on the scannerStart the scanning software Using the Windows Start menuPushing the button on the scanner A t i s T W a I N ? Launching from another programConfigure the Scan button 2A tour of the scanning software2 Scanning software window A n MenusE w I tT p u t T y p e O l s Displays the HP ScanJet Automatic Document L pO l b a r B u t t o n s ToolbarEnlarging the preview area Preview areaInfo bar ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍Status bar Selection area pointers Context-sensitive pointersTyping pointer Ready pointerPixel value pointers What’s This Help pointerDisplaying a tool Image adjustment toolsClosing a tool Docking a toolAutoResolution Output Resolution toolCustom resolution Images to be displayed on a monitor100 150 300 Images to be printedSharpen Level tool Dimensions tool HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide Exposure Adjustment tool ➍ ➋ Color Adjustment tool➊ ➍ ➋ Black & White Threshold toolQuick Help in the scanning software window Online HelpWhat’s This Help in the scanning software window HP PrecisionScan Pro HelpVideos HP ScanJet CoachTo view an online manual from the Desktop Online manualsTo view an online manual from the scanning software Dimensions tool values output size and output scale Save and re-use adjustment settingsSaving a set of settings Deleting a set of settings Loading a set of settingsOpening the HP PrecisionScan Pro Preferences dialog box Set preferencesScanner tab To change settingsBest Quality Scaling Preview scan when scanner button is pushedBest Quality Sharpening Maximum Pixel DepthSelection Area tab Automatically adjust color after selection Automatically adjust exposure after selectionAutomatically create selection area after a mouse click Automatically set the output type after selectionTo add a resolution default Resolution tabTo delete a resolution default Controls tab 3Scanning pictures Basic steps for scanning pictures Optional adjustmentsQuick scan Using the scanning software to Preview scan Using the Scan button to Preview scanPreview scan Create a selection area Clicking to create a selection area Removing the selection area Drawing to create a selection areaSelecting the entire zoomed area Selecting the entire preview areaUse the Dimensions tool Adjusting the size of selection areaMoving the selection area Use the handles on the borderPerforming a Zoom scan Zoom scanReturn to the preview image Undo Zoom Using Undo ZoomSet the output dimensions To set units Setting unitsScaling output as a percentage of the original Typing values for output width and height Locking values for output dimensionT p u t t y p e s f o r p i c t u r e s Choose an output typeChanging the output type Type of original Suggestions for choosing output type4Adjusting images Pictures Adjustment Tool Tools for making adjustmentsAdjustments for color output types Adjustments for Black & White Bitmap raster output type Adjustments for Grayscale output typeAdjustments for Black & White Scalable vector output type Sharpen Changing the sharpen level Applying the default sharpen levelUsing the Exposure Adjustment tool Adjust exposureApplying the default exposure settings Bringing out details in light areas Changing highlightsBringing out details in dark areas Changing shadowsBrightening the image Changing midtones brightnessPixel distribution histogram RGB Meter Using the RGB MeterChecking for clipping of pixels Viewing and removing clipped dark areas Viewing and removing clipped light areasChanging output levels Setting pixel output levelsHP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide Moving the indicator circle Adjust colorChanging color balance Increasing the amount of color Changing color saturationDecreasing the amount of color Click the Auto button in the Color Adjustment tool Applying the default color settingsResolution settings for photographs Set output resolutionApplying the default resolution Resolution settings for drawingsSet threshold for black and white bitmaps Applying the default thresholdScan a picture From the Tools menu, select B & W Threshold Changing the black and white thresholdEliminating a color from the image Set color channel for black and white bitmapsExamples of changing color channels 5Scanning text Scan and convert a block of text L e c t i n g T e x t Drag-and-drop to another programSave to a file Copy to the ClipboardScan a whole 6Saving scanned Images How you can use the image Print the image Drag-and-drop to another program Drag-and-drop to the Desktop Copying the image Copy to the ClipboardPasting the image File formats Save to a fileBitmap Image .bmp FlashPix .fpxJpeg Image .jpg GIF Image .gifText File .txt Tiff Image .tifReducing file size Saving the file7Scanning 35mm Slides7 Placing the slide and the adapter 35mm slide adapterScan the slide Index Saving image to Help 19 Output Type 17 Scan 15 Tools 18 View To a file 92, 93, 100, 102 scaling 30 Sharpen Level 29, 68 Tools menu 18 ToolTips