HP SAP Smart Forms and Zeberea Print manual Tips and Tricks for Smart Forms and Zebra Printers

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Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms

Tips and Tricks for Smart Forms and Zebra Printers

Smart Forms was originally developed for “Form” and “Report” design, not labels. Smart Forms can now be successfully used to design labels on high performance bar code label printers, but you need to be aware of the tips and tricks not documented within the original Smart Forms manuals. Please read the following:

Label Size / Page Size

In Smart Forms, a page format must be set for every form or label, for example, DINA4 or LETTER. For the Zebra printer driver it does not matter which format is set here, since it cannot affect the label size in the printer. It is therefore of no benefit to define separate new page formats/format types for labels for label printing with the above zebra device types (just use DINA4 or LETTER). However, in Smart Forms, when you define the window on the page, ensure that you only use the label area that is actually available.

Important Note: in Smart Forms, only use the PORTRAIT page orientation. It is not possible to rotate the orientation of the label by 90 degrees by selecting the LANDSCAPE page orientation. Technical background: In the ZPL II printer language, there is no command for rotating the output of the entire label by 90 degrees. The printer driver therefore cannot use orientation=LANDSCAPE to rotate the label by 90 degrees.

If you need to shift the entire label output slightly on the Zebra printer, you can use the form output shift in the SPAD transaction (when you define the output device), as described in note 39259. This shift is analyzed by the Zebra driver.

Smart Forms has no concept of Label Size. Please ensure that the Main Window is larger than the label.

Workaround for rotating the label output: There is a command in the ZPL-II printer control language that rotates each individual field by 90 degrees (clockwise). If you insert this command into the output data stream using the “command nodes” mechanism as described below under “Printer Settings”, you will achieve the rotation of individual fields at printout. However, you must adjust the position of the fields (or windows) in the form to obtain a "landscape" printout, as Smart Forms and the printer driver are

not aware of the rotation. Therefore, define the Smart Form with the "portrait" orientation. For the rotation, add a command node, for example in the MAIN window. In this command node, enter the following under "spool control", "free


Attribute name:

Attribute value:



The LZPL printer driver sends the ^FWR command to the printer at the beginning of the label and causes a rotation of the output fields.


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Contents SAP Smart Forms Table of Contents Support Packs Upgrading Smart Forms for Bar CodingUnicode UTF-8 Andale Monospaced Scaleable Fonts Unicode UTF-8 Swiss Scaleable FontsInstallation of mySAP Business Suite Zebra Device Types Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Allocate a Development Class Select the local driver Change icon Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Press the TAB Local NT or AS/400 print manager Local Unix lpd spooler Print QueueSAP LPD Or S PC with Windows 95/98/NT4/2000 requires SAPlpd runningSAP AG 2004. All rights reserved SAP AG 2004. All rights reserved Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Designing a Simple Smart Form Disable PC EditorCreate the Bar Codes You Need Smart Styles-Planning for Smart FormsSelect C39 as the Symbology and press OK Press Yes to Save Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms We are now going to add a bar code to our Smart Style We now need to add our Text Styles to the Smart Style Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms We now need to make a default Paragraph for our Header Data Select LJ for the Standard Paragraph We now need to save our Smart Style Laying out the Smart Form Map to Smart Style Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Add Text and Bar Code Fields Enter Date Press the insert field icon Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Add Lines and Boxes Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Add Logos/Graphics Press the browse graphic icon Driving Zebra Printers from Smart Forms Saving and Activating the Smart Form Label Size / Page Size Tips and Tricks for Smart Forms and Zebra PrintersLines and Boxes Field Positioning-X, Y CoordinatesText Objects Download a TTF Font to Zebra Flash Memory Font Licensing TTF / Disclaimer Modify the Zebra SAP Device TypePermanently Printer Resident Bar Codes Flash Logos/GraphicsUploading Graphics into Smart Forms Printer Settings Below is a list of supported command Nodes Printer Bar Codes Bar CodesSystem Bar Codes Unsupported Bar Codes / New Symbologies Resources