Initialization and
The installation procedure for Windows automatically modifies PROL4W32.INI to work with your database driver or drivers. The settings corresponding to your database and version are added to the Prolifics initialization file.
For Windows 95/98 and Windows NT:
Database and VersionSettings
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity | [databases] |
(ODBC) Version 2 | installed=odbc |
| [dbms odbc] |
| driver=odb2dm32.dll |
| model=tmodb132.dll |
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity | [databases] |
(ODBC) Version3 | installed=odbc |
| [dbms odbc] |
| driver=odb3dm32.dll |
| model=tmodb132.dll |
Microsoft SQL Server Version 6 | [databases] |
| installed=sqlsrvr |
| [dbms sqlsrvr] |
| driver=mssdm32.dll |
| model=tmmss132.dll |