HP c-tree-SQL ISQL and Tools manual Pagesize numberlines

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ISQL Statements

COMMAND LINES number_lines














{ ON





ISOLATION LEVEL isolation_level


database_name DEFAULT }


The SET statement changes various characteristics of an interactive SQL session.



Sets the number of statements that ISQL will store in the history buffer. The default is 1 state- ment and the maximum is 250 statements.

PAGESIZE number_lines

Sets the number of lines per page. The default is 24 lines. After each number_lines lines, ISQL executes any DISPLAY ON PAGE statements in effect and re-displays column headings. The PAGESIZE setting affects both standard output and the file opened through the SPOOL state- ment.


Sets the number of characters per line. The default is 80 characters. The LINESIZE setting affects both standard output and the file opened through the SPOOL statement.


Sets the number of lines to be displayed. The default is 1.


SET REPORT ON copies only the results of SQL statements to the file opened by the SPOOL filename ON statement. SET REPORT OFF copies both the SQL statement and the results to the file. SET REPORT OFF is the default.


SET ECHO ON displays SQL statements as well as results to standard output. SET ECHO OFF suppresses the display of SQL statements, so that only results are displayed. SET ECHO ON is the default.


SET PAUSE ON prompts the user after displaying one page of results on the screen. SET PAUSE ON is the default.


SET TIME ON displays the time taken for executing a database query statement. SET TIME OFF disables the display and is the default.

FairCom Corporation


Image 61
Contents For use with c-treeSQL Server Isql and Tools Reference GuidePage Table of Contents Data Load Utility dbload Iii Tutorial Source CodeFairCom Corporation Documentation Overview Syntax Diagram ConventionsPurpose of this Manual AudienceIsql and Tools Related DocumentationOverview IntroductionIsql and Tools FairCom Corporation Introductory Tutorial Quick TourInit IsqlManage DefineIsql Create Table Custmast Isql Commit Work CustmastComplete Introductory Tutorial Code DoneQuick Tour ISQLTutorial2.sql Relational Model and Indexing TutorialQuick Tour Values Insert Into Insert IntoValues QTY Price Commit WorkComplete Relational Model and Indexing Tutorial Source Code ISQLTutorial3.sql Locking Tutorial@ISQL @iSQLTutorial3.sql Isql Delete from Custmast Complete Locking Tutorial Source Code ISQLTutorial4.sql Transaction Processing TutorialTransaction Rollback Work Complete Transaction Processing Tutorial Source Code Starting Interactive SQL Isql StatementsSyntax ArgumentsStatement History Support PasswordUsername ConnectstringIsql Statements Formatting Output of Isql QueriesIsql Statements for Statement History Support Statement SummaryDisplay Isql Statements for Query Formatting SummaryCustomername Customercity Orderid Ordervalue Example 3-1 Unformatted Query Display from IsqlExample 3-2 Controlling Display Width of Character Columns Formatting Column Display with the Column StatementOrdervalue Example 3-3 Customizing Format of Numeric Column DisplaysCustomername Customercity Example 3-4 Specifying Column Breaks and Values with Display Numorders Customername Example 3-6 Specifying a Query Header and Footer with Title Transaction Support Help and Table Statements1 @ Execute Syntax Isql ReferenceDescription ExampleBreakspec Break SyntaxSkip n ExamplesCustomername History Clear SyntaxColumn Syntax ArgumentOption Break Column Compute Display TitleFormat formatstring ColumnnameHeading headingtext Character Description Date-Time Format Strings for the Column StatementNot Null INT Null ? Type Length ColnameChar Amount OrderinfoSysdate Column Title FLDNEW Title ComputeVariablename AVG MAX MIN SUM CountValue Define SyntaxDisplayvalue ColpositionCOL columnnumber @columnnameEdit Syntax Related Statements Exit or Quit SyntaxExit Isql GET query.sql 10 GET SyntaxIsql RUN Help Syntax Help CommandsclausesHistory Syntax Orderstate LotlocationFollowing example illustrates usage of the History statement Host or SH or Syntax HostcommandFrom List Syntax 16 RUN Syntax Quit or Exit SyntaxQuit Isql History18 SET Syntax Save SyntaxPagesize LinesizePagesize numberlines Transaction Isolation Level isolationlevel Connection databasename DefaultIsql Break on Isql Select TBL from Systables TBL TBLShow Syntax Spool Syntax Is Default ?Filename on Database ConnectionsArgument … Start SyntaxIsql Spool STK on Isql Spool OFFNot Null Varchar Null ? Type Length Colname Not Null INTType Length Colname Null ? TablenameDate Left Center Right COL n Title SyntaxText DoubleIsql Clear Title Isql and Tools FairCom Corporation Introduction Data Load Utility dbloadCommandsfile Dbload Command Line SyntaxPrerequisites for Dbload OptionsData Load Utility dbload Data File FormatsVariable Length Records Commands FileFixed Length Records Next RecordChar Short Long Float Double Define Record StatementNull For Each StatementExamples Example 4-1 Sample dbload commands filesRecord name redefined Compilation ErrorsPosition not specified for fixed length record Fatal Errors Isql and Tools FairCom Corporation Prerequisites for Dbdump Data Unload Utility dbdumpDbdump Command Line Syntax Short Long Float Double Data Unload Utility dbdumpFor Record Statement Define Record custrec of Fixed Length 37 AS Isql and Tools FairCom Corporation Schema Export Utility dbschema Outfile Username.procedurenameUsername.tablename Username.triggernameDbschema Schema Export Utility dbschemaImport Begin ENDIsql and Tools FairCom Corporation Commit Work Select * from Custmast Delete from Custmast Tutorial Source CodeMoney IntegerVARCHAR6 Commit Work Delete from Custmast Tutorial Source CodeImdesc VARCHAR48 Select * from orderlist Select * from orderitems Isql and Tools FairCom Corporation Index-i SymbolsIndex-ii FairCom Corporation IsqlIndex-iii FairCom Corporation Index